Chapter 1: Start of a new beginning

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Go and read the first book "When the Moon Rises (Markiplier x Reader) if you haven't already!

Otherwise enjoy...

Your P.O.V

It has been about 5 months since you've been together with Mark.

And it has been perfect. Ever since the fan/werewolf war has ended and the world was calm once again...well as calm as it could get, you and Mark spent more time with each other. Cutely though not in a dirty both weren't ready for that yet. And you even remember the time when Markiplier went on tour! It was hilarious! And getting to meet his non-crazy fans was even extra special. Some of them even made fan art for you! And you will treasure them forever.

You have also moved in with Mark. There was nowhere else for you to go and since technically you were his Luna. Why not stay with your Alpha? Of course you both don't have a pack but you both like to think that your friends are a part of the pack. With Ethan being an Omega and Madi being Selsa. Tyler would be Delta and you and Mark were Alphas. Basically the order of leadership goes like this.

Mark or you, Tyler, Madi and Ethan. And if Amy popped up, though she hasn't yet ever since you and Mark met her in person along with Dark, she would be the leader. 

And whatever happened to Dark? Well...ever since Amy took his full power to take over Mark's body he had time to work on his other ability. Being able to jump out of Mark's body so he can be visible. Like as if he was another person in a different body, instead of being stuck inside of Mark's. Though sometimes it would get annoying or a little dangerous...but let's look on the bright side.

It's December. And December is the month of Christmas and Hanukkah and probably some other holidays that you can't think of.

Ethan and Madi are happy together and you and Mark were happy together. Dark was as happy as he could ever be. That's probably like a -1 happiness by the way. But Tyler on the other hand...he had no one special by his side to share the holidays with. He keeps insisting that he only needs his friends by his side. But the rest of you know there was more that he wanted.

He wanted to be loved by another.

Just like how you and Mark had each other and Ethan and Madi. You all knew it...but he keeps refusing.

"Hey (y/n)!" Madi says to you. "Stop spacing out! It's movie time!"

"Okay I'm coming!" You reply to her as you head over to the tardis.

Oh yeah Madi totally kept the tardis once she moved in with Ethan. About a month ago she found out that the tardis had it's very own movie room. It looks like the inside of movie theater but you can put any movie you'd like. Except for those that haven't come out yet. And Madi truly loved the tardis. Even though it wasn't technically hers...but we must not mention his dead name now. After all he was cruel to Mark and almost killed him, twice. His father also technically killed Mark's dad. So that just made him go farther down the naughty list. But he did have a soft spot and loved Madi at one point. So he might've had let Madi take or use the tardis. But now we'll never know since he's dead and long gone.

"Ethan get the popcorn!" Madi calls out.

"Got it babe!" Ethan says as you see him stare at the microwave till it was done cooking the popcorn. You even heard him say hurry up a bunch of times to the microwave, just so it can speed up and finish cooking the popcorn quicker. Also because he was in a hurry. He really wanted to see the movie that Madi picked out.

"Tyler! Are you in here already?" You shout as you enter the tardis' movie theater.

"Yeah," Tyler says as he takes a bite of his preferred candy. You couldn't quite tell what it was since it was so dark.

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