Chapter 26: This isn't natural...

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December 17th

Madi's P.O.V

Madi... Wake up...

Madi... Wake up...

He's back.

Madi he's back!

Go tell the others!



I bolted up from my bed in shock.

Of course I knew who it was speaking to me in my sleep... Zach... again...

Charming but... I like sleep.

I can't even quite recall what he said to me... tell the others? He's awake? Who's awake?

I look over to Ethan and see that he's still sleeping. So it can't be him....

I chuckle at the thought that he was a werewolf before. But because he took the antidote he's not anymore. Pity, I wanted to see how he looked like as a wolf.

I stood up and changed into my clothing. It was about 9 am anyway so I should get up. I don't sleep this late normally, I'm a morning person unlike most people I know.

I casually walked to the bathroom like any other day to brush my hair and teeth. I looked down and began to pick up the toothbrush and apply the white creamy toothpaste onto the bristles. But as I looked up to gaze at myself in the mirror I did not see my reflection.

Instead I saw his.

Startled, I immediately dropped the toothbrush into the sink leaving a bit of a mess. And moved back away from the mirror.

Of course though, he laughed a bit at my reaction.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle you..."

"Zach why can't you just leave me alone? Please." I responded back to him quickly leaving him in a bit of a shock.

"I can't... You know that already," He replied to me.

"I-I don't like you in that way..." I said to him. "You know I have Ethan, this isn't right-"

"What isn't? The part that I'm haunting you? Or the fact that in less than 24 hours you fell in love with your captor... me."

I let out a sarcastic laugh at that response.

"What? Are you saying this is some sort of beauty and the beast story? But more fucked up?"

"When you put it that way... Yeah, I think I do actually," He smiled.

I glare at that smile of his.

"The feelings were never real." I quickly responded at him.

"But the kiss was?" Zach pointed out.

I blushed at that, and I cursed under my breath for blushing.

"Come on Madi admit it, you're as fucked up as I am," He looks a bit to the side. "Why can't you just open your eyes and see that for yourself?"

"Because that's not me, I'm so much more than... this." I say standing my ground.

"This? You mean you admit you have some stuff going on, that you're not exactly... normal?"

When the Night Darkens Ξ Sequel to When the Moon Rises (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now