Chapter 16: Confusion

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Mark's P.O.V

"Ethan we need to head back."

"Never! Teach me more Markimoo! MORE!!!" Ethan exclaims at me.

"Ethan," I say to him. "I taught you all the basics, quick speed, strength, eye coordination, agility, senses-"

"Yes! That is true!" Ethan says to me. "But now I want to learn how to turn into a wolf at will. Like you!"

"Ethan we can't rush things," I say to him. "Turning to your wolf form at will is not easy. Plus, when you change back into a human you'll be naked."

"So!?" Ethan says to me.

"Obviously you're not thinking straight," I say to him. "You have that werewolf newbie high and let me tell you. You are worse than (Y/n). And that's saying a lot since she's a silver eyed."

"Then maybe I'm more powerful than her!" Ethan exclaims at me with a confident smile.

Probably a too confident smile at that.

"Ethan please," I respond to him. "You couldn't even beat me at the speed race or on the power trials. What in the world makes you think you're more powerful than (Y/n)?"

"Cause I'm unique," Ethan says to me. "I mean I turn into a baby blue wolf. And you guys turn into more natural colors like black and grey. So I must have something mystical inside of me that when unlocked. I become filled with power!"

"Or not," I say to him. "You weren't naturally bitten like a werewolf to get power carried into your body. You were spoken an incantation by Anti. And that is everything unnatural."

"Well I don't care! That just proves my point that we need to train more!" Ethan exclaims to me. "Now come on! What's holding you back anyway?"

"What's holding me back from teaching you?" I ask him.

"Yeah! Tell me cause I'm curious and annoyed," Ethan replies to me.

"The reason that I don't want to keep teaching you is that every second that I do, it's another second wasted in trying to save the girls," I say to Ethan. "So tell me this Ethan, would you rather keep training for your own selfish purposes? Or would you actually pay attention to what's happening and rescue the girls? Or would you just rather let Madi-"

"Alright! Alright!" Ethan says angrily. "I get your point! And it's a pretty good one too! Ugh, why was I being so selfish!..."

"Its ok Ethan," I say to him. "The power can get to your head as a newbie. Which can make your forget the important things."

"I see that..." Ethan says to me. "Well! What are we waiting for! Let's go back to Tyler and Rose and form a plan!"

"I like the sound of that!" I say to him with a smile.

"But first... Would you like to make things exciting?" Ethan says to me with a smirk.

"Exciting? How?" I ask him curious.

"A race! Last one there owes the other guy something!" Ethan says with energy.

"Well ok then-" I say until I realize Ethan already took off.

"Hey! You cheater!" I say as I run after him.

Why did I even agree to play such a silly game? He's obviously not in the right mind set.

But then again when do I ever stick to my plans.

I keep running behind Ethan almost catching up. I could literally tag him with a simple touch of my finger.

When the Night Darkens Ξ Sequel to When the Moon Rises (Markiplier x Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα