Chapter 23: Tragedy

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Mark's P.O.V

You just have to let me in...

"Tic tok Markimoo..." Anti said with a sinister smile. "What's it going to be? I am not a patient person..."

He tapped onto the antidote as the seconds went by. Why is Dark making me choose? Is there a reason... maybe he has good intentions... I mean he did help me find out what was going on with Jack and with Wilford...

With a frustrated sigh I agreed to him.

Your choice was probably not the wisest... But it was wiser than what you were about to do...

Suddenly I felt it all happen again. The immense transformation of the exact same beast that I was many times before. Before I met (Y/n)... Before I met Amy... The one were Dark was in control.

It was painful. I immediately regretted what I did but it was too late. I could feel my clothing starting to rip and my muscles started to throb as they grew. This was too much power. And Dark was sharing it with me. Soon I shook my entire body as I stood before Anti. And snarled at him with my teeth as sharp as my eyes flew a bright red.

"Impressive... For a mutt." Anti said as he let out a psychotic chuckle.

That was it. I was done playing his games.

Kill him.

I tackled him and slammed him against the wall which very easily cracked and crumbled. I forced my sharp claws into his throat wanting him to bleed.

But just as I had begun attacking. He kept smiling that same crazy smile as his eyes flew a bright green.

Soon he started to change. His body convulsing and transforming into something more horrifying. Taking into the shape of a gigantic half bat. With his jaws stretched wider as his fangs grew a few inches longer as he screeched so loud I had to cover my ears.

My clawed hands basically tried really hard to diminish the sound. But in frustration I just growled and barked at Anti as I charged towards him. Blinded by pure and utter rage.

I swung my hand at him. And he dodged it a bit quicker as he disappeared from my sight. Which just made me even angrier. I quickly turned my head in all directions to try to find him. No doubt he was hiding in the shadows. And it was a good thing that I could see in the dark.

I heard a faint cackle right behind me and immediately turned around just to see that nobody was there. I heard the soft sounds of old curtains as they swooshed with the wind. And the drops of water as they kissed the floor inside, while they were furiously crashing the rooftop from the outside.

Where are you?...

I slowly stepped foot after foot. My claws digging into the walls as I dragged them with me. Sharpening them with every step. Thoughts and cravings were stirring in my mind.

I cannot wait to end him...

I shadowy figure floated by me. He's near, I could sense it.

My ears perked up and my adrenaline was increasing by the second.

And right then and there I heard him. I turned around and he came at me with brute forced as he flung me straight through a wall. I crashed into the ground and he grabbed me once again as he flew me up and then threw me onto the ground as if I only weighed a few pounds.

The pain was coursing through me but it was nothing I couldn't handle. Blood was starting to leak out of me but soon the wounds healed as growled at Anti again and charged towards him. He tried to dodge again but this time I predicted his move and quickly grabbed him by his wings before he could go anywhere else.

When the Night Darkens Ξ Sequel to When the Moon Rises (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now