Chapter 28: I don't know me

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December 19th

Anti's P.O.V

I've been thinking...

I have pondered...

I gave the clues to what I want...

But I didn't expect more people to arrive to take the rest of them away. And now I'm only stuck with one.

Of course to me that does not matter, with one I can still complete my task. Of course though... Jack has been plaguing me with feelings for the past couple of days. Making me stop to bring the next step to my plan.

I'm not some sick fuck, I just know this is the only way in my mind to gain control and make the people fear. Make me their king. Sure I could just get as many brides as I want and make them my slaves and do what I want. But out with the old and in with the new right?

It's just so much simpler this way...

In order to bring them all fear.

Fear is what they need to respect our kind. Can't they all fucking see that I'm doing this for all of us? The supernaturals? Or is Mark and Dark clearly that stupid?

Do they not realize there are more of us out there?

More of us so called monsters?

Of course they don't, they act like such babies. Thinking that they're the only "special" ones.

Well they kinda are the only "special" ones in were-kind. But they are the only supernaturals out there.

Vampires, werewolves, were-creatures, mermaids/mermen, nymphs, fairies, fucking name any supernatural creature that isn't a regular human nor a regular animal. And I bet you, there's at least one of us out there?

But of course most won't believe me. Cause seeing is believing. But guess what, you don't see us cause we're in hiding.

From them.

Human scum making a fool out of ourselves. Don't give us a chance to explain or redeem ourselves. They put a label on us and go with the ancient folklore of what we're "supposed" to be.

I know what happened with Mark when a horde of humans started to find out his secret. And honestly I don't know what the fuck he did to make them all forget about it. I certainly didn't forget about it, but then again I didn't know about it till Wilford told me.

Such a fucking idiot Wilford was, look where his stupidity lead him, lead him to death.

Doesn't matter to me though, one less to deal with. I'm not much for companionship or compassion of any kind. My heart is frozen ice, it's no longer beating so I'm going to keep it that way.

Well, Jack's heart anyway. Forgot this wasn't technically my body, which just frustrates me more, how did Dark and Wilford manage to achieve to pull themselves out of Mark's body? That shit isn't natural and I want to find out how...

But of course, first I have to find out how to control Jack for good. Last time me and Mark/Dark fought, he stepped out for a second. Which shocked me, I kept him under control for now. But who knows when he's going to pop up next... if I don't do something soon to achieve my plan then it's going to all go to waste.

And i'd have to start all over.

So I need to control Jack, keep him in the dark. But it gets really fucking hard to do what I want when he starts giving me these... feelings.

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