Chapter 31: Arrival

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December 20th

Your P.O.V

You know, by this time of year you shouldn't be here at all.

You should be out somewhere preparing for the holidays. In this very case and time you should be at home, with all of your friends celebrating Christmas and what is to come. But instead you're far, far from home. And you're arriving to where Anti is keeping Wendy locked up.

There is no Christmas tree to put the presents under.

There is no sweet smelling sugar or gingerbread.

And there's no mistletoe to kiss someone you love under.

Instead there is you, your friends, your enemy, and fate. Fate in which you hope had the kindness to make everything alright and well.

Of course though not everything goes according to plan, that's the thing about taking the wrong step in what you think is the right direction. It can alternate the future either a small bit, none, or in drastic ways.

You just hoped you were all doing the right thing. Because so far that's what you all felt, that you were doing the right thing. To bring Wendy and Jack back, and to leave Anti right back where he belongs. Either dead, forgotten or at least weak for a very, very long time. Though if that were the case, shouldn't you try to change Anti into a slightly better being so he won't cause trouble again in the future? Just like how Amy took Dark's powers away... Dark was still cruel and evil. But not so much as before. He was still very much the bad guy, but with a slight touch of a soft spot in his cold heart somewhere.

So shouldn't you all try to do the same with Anti? I mean you've all discussed this already and you all have thought the same thing. If there is in fact a way to change Anti for the better, even in the slightest, you will all try your very damn best to do so. But if not, then fate should decide that.

You know, you've been thinking an awfully lot about fate recently. If you haven't gone deep into those woods when you were little, then maybe your parents could've survived. Or when you met Mark back in Los Angeles so suddenly, him all barefooted and messy while you just needed to get out for a bit. Was it all just fate rolling the dice or playing cards to decide what was next? All out of the course of randomness? Or perhaps it was all a strategic game of chess or poker, based on certain moves would determine the whole outcome of the game. Who would win, who would lose and such like that. You liked to think of fate as a bit of both, a bit of random here and there, as well as a bit of a strategic game. Of course though these were just your thoughts.

Because you don't know how fate was actually like.

Fate is just a word with a higher definition in this universe. And that was all. So if fate decides correctly, then all of this should go smoothly.

Of course though, if we go back to all of the disasters you have faced in your life and much recently. Then you know fate is a bit bumpy and not at all just smooth.

Again, these are just your thoughts. And with those thoughts you have also thought of the living and the dead.

Currently you are all living. Two of you have died before. That was you and Mark. And then two more are currently deceased. That was Dark and Wilford. But that's just counting the people from your current group making your way towards the U.K. Because there is more complicated things with life and death outside of your small circle. But you didn't really want to get into that too much, so you just thought about it for a second. And pushed it back into you head to save for later if ever needed.

When the Night Darkens Ξ Sequel to When the Moon Rises (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now