Chapter 32: The Encounter

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Mark's P.O.V

I look up at the tower and look at it.

"Well then, I guess we better head inside," I say to everyone as we cautiously walk towards the tower making sure not to make a sound.

But as we get close enough to actually touch the outside walls of the tower we all realize something very quickly.

"Where's the entrance?" (Y/n) asks as she looks all around the tower.

With that statement I also fly around the tower and see that there are in fact no entrances. Just the occasional minor window here and there. But not big enough for any of us to fit in and enter.

"I checked all around and there's no way to enter," I say to them as I fly down.

"How come there's no way to enter?" Tyler says. "There must be a way to enter. It doesn't make sense if there isn't."

"Are you sure this is the place then?" Madi asks me.

"I'm completely sure and positive that it is," I replied to her.

"Then perhaps there's a secret entrance to enter the tower," (Y/n) says right after.

"Yeah but the problem is how we're going to find that entrance exactly," Rose says to us.

"Maybe it's a secret trap door or something!" Ethan exclaims and we all shush him quickly for his loud outburst. "Oops, sorry..." He whispers. "What if there's a secret trap door or something?"

"Where? Like on the walls of the tower?" Tyler asks him.

"Well yeah that's an option but I thought..." Ethan says and he suddenly starts jumping up and down all over the sandy beach.

"Ethan what the fuck are you doing?" I tell him.

"I'm trying to find the trap door," He says as he continues to jump all around the beach.

"Ethan I don't think that's going to work sweetheart..." Madi says to him a bit embarrassed he was jumping at this time when Anti could catch us all.

"What? Of course it is," Ethan says as he stops jumping. "You don't trust me?"

"We trust you Ethan, we just..." (Y/n) trails of a bit.

"Thought that was a bit stupid," Rose finishes.

"Hmph..." Ethan says as he crosses his arms and walks back towards us. "I was just trying to help-"

And with that he fell through the beach floor as if the sand pulled him right into Hell.

"E-Ethan!?" Madi exclaims trying to still be as quiet as possible and we all rush to where he fell.

We see that there was a hole and it was slowly filling up with the surrounding sand. And Ethan was at the bottom of it looking up at all of us with a wide grin.

"I told you it was a great idea," He says.

"You didn't say shit, but you did prove it so... good job," I reply to him as we all enter the hole one by one.

When we all finally enter we close back the trap door and look around the darkness. It seemed that we were in a very long corridor.

"Hey can someone turn on a light or something?" Madi asks.

"We don't have night vision like you three," Tyler says motioning to me, (Y/n) and Rose.

"Oh yeah, right," (Y/n) then lights up a flame in her hand and we walk down the corridor. At the end of that very same corridor there was a large stone door. But no knob to turn and open it.

When the Night Darkens Ξ Sequel to When the Moon Rises (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now