Chapter 13: The Next Morning...

401 14 18

December 10th

Mark's P.O.V

"Ugh... Everything hurts."

I roll over and look up at the ceiling as I put my hand up to my forehead. I'm having a minor headache and I don't like it.

"Oh hey you're awake," Tyler says to me.

"Tyler... Tell me what the fuck happened last night," I say to him. "I can only remember bits."

"Well Ethan turned into a werewolf, he picked a fight with you, you completely demolished him and then both of you fell asleep," Tyler replies to me. "Cereal?"

"No thanks," I say to him. "Just give me some clothes... Also, where's Rose?"

"On the couch," Tyler replies to me as he takes a bite out of his cereal. "And Ethan is still right over there on the corner sleeping."

I look over at Ethan and see that there was a blanket covering him. He was indeed still sleeping, and he also had a convenient pair of clothing right next to him. Why didn't I have some pair of clothes right next to me? Tyler you douche.

Well at least he put a blanket on me as well. Otherwise I would've been embarrassed, since there is a girl in the room.

"Mhm," I reply to Tyler as I get up. "I'm just going to go into my room to get my own pair of clothing."

"Good enough for me," Tyler says. "And when you return we should really wake both of them up and... Discuss some things if you know what I mean."

"Yeah... I know what you mean," I reply to Tyler as I walk out of the living room and towards my room.

As I enter my room I just throw the blanket onto the floor and walk towards my closet naked. I pick out the first sets of clothing that I see and walk back outside seeing that Tyler was starting to wash his dish.

"I'm going to go wake up Ethan," I say to him. "Can you go and wake up Rose?"

"Sure Mark," Tyler says as he dries his hands and walks over to Rose and starts to shake her body a little to wake her up. "Hey Rose, time to wake up..."

I hear Rose mumble as Tyler tries to wake her up the nicest way possible.

Me? Nah, I'm going to wake Ethan the opposite way.

Especially now that I know that Ethan is a werewolf and he can take pain.

"Ethan get up ya douche!" I yell as I kick him in the stomach.

"Ow!" Ethan exclaims as he grabs his stomach. "What was that for Mark!!!... And why am I naked!!! Where are my clothes!!!"

"We need to talk Ethan," I say to him. "Now put some clothes on."

Ethan embarrassingly covers himself up with the blanket and heads into the bathroom to put on some clothing. As he heads out though he seemed a little different...

"Oh gosh I'm hungry," Ethan says as he let's out a yawn. "What's there to eat?"

"There's cereal," Tyler says to him.

"I don't feel like cereal today," Ethan replies. "I need to eat something else that will actually fill me up."

"We need to talk first Ethan," I say to him.

"Yeah yeah," Ethan says rudely as he searches in the fridge. "Breakfast first then talk."


"Ooh! This looks good!" Ethan says as he gets out a piece of steak. "I'll cook it right away... Hmm... But it strangely looks good already... Mark I think your strange wolfy eating habits are starting to appetize me..."

When the Night Darkens Ξ Sequel to When the Moon Rises (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now