Chapter 21: Meet and Greets

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Rose's P.O.V

I sat at the bar thinking to myself.

How exactly did I get caught up in all of this? I have so many questions and in need of answers. But I don't want to reveal too much of myself either. But technically what good does that get me? I already showed them one of my forms.

But maybe I can trust them, they aren't bad people I know that. It just takes me a while to trust people. Plus, maybe they can help me with a few things.

Especially Mark and (Y/n), mostly because they are true werewolves. Ethan was turned into one by Anti so he doesn't count. But then again (Y/n) wasn't a werewolf the last time I met her... I have a feeling that Mark had something to do with her transformation. I don't doubt he bit her and changed her into a werewolf... I'm just questioning why? Was it necessary? Hopefully it was, because I have read some very old folklore of werewolves. And a lot of the things I've read made me like myself better as a fox.

Sure werewolves are more powerful... But with power also comes with consequences. And the reaction Ethan had when he found out he was a werewolf, made me question if he knew some of the folklore I've read. Very unlikely but it's just a thought, after all he looked like he hated being a werewolf. I wonder why?

Maybe he had something to fear about them. He seems like he's a dog person... So why was he so shook by the fact he was basically a dog now? Maybe after he found out about Mark being a werewolf he began to do his own research...

On Google most likely... It's Ethan, he wouldn't dare pick up a book, sit down, and completely read through it.

He would most likely just research short myths and fantasies about werewolves. And on the internet were people make up their own version of werewolves, most of them isn't the truth.

And I know for certain the books I've read are true. They have been given to me through sources that I am able to come by. And the person who wrote the books was a werewolf themselves.

But now that a real live werewolf is by my side basically... I want to ask Mark so many questions.

Like... Does he know what happened to the rest of the werewolves long ago? Does he think there's more out there? Does he know of everything he is capable of? Has he met another true werewolf aside from (Y/n)? And if so are they still alive? And do they know if there are more werewolves?

Do they know where the ancient civilization is?

I keep thinking of so many possible questions I could ask. But limit myself to a few as well. I don't want to bombard Mark with so many.

Suddenly the woman came back with the food. And I jolt back from my thought and into the real world.

"Here's your food sugar cube," The woman said as she served me. "And I have the cheeseburger for your friend. Is he ok? I haven't seen him for quite awhile now."

"He just needed to step out for a bit and have some fresh air," I said to her.

"Well he better not take too long," She replied. "It's really pouring out there."

I look out the window and see that she was right. The rain was pouring hard onto the streets starting to form large puddles.

"I think there might even be a thunderstorm comin'. So if you would like dear I can lend you my umbrella so you can head outside and see if he's okay," The woman says to me.

"I'm ok thank you very much," I said to her. "He'll be in here any second though."

"If you say so," The woman replies. "Enjoy your dinner."

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