Chapter 11: Another Kidnapping!?

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Have a Werewolf Markiplier drawing that I drew for fun x3 Now enjoy the chapter!

Mark's P.O.V

"Tyler! Rose!"

I yell at them loudly so the can hear me. I look back at Ethan and pick him up in my arms. I keep yelling their names but so far I heard no response.

Fuck what if he took them too?

"Tyler!" I yell desperately. "Rose!"

"Mark!" I hear them from a far. "Mark where are you!"

I walk faster towards them as I avoid people along the way.

"Tyler! Rose!" I exclaim to them.

"Mark!" Rose says to me as she and Tyler approach me quickly.

"There you are!" Tyler says to me. "We've been looking for you all over the place!"

"Same here!" I say to them.

Suddenly the all see that I'm carrying Ethan who was unconscious and start to worry.

"Wait what happened to Ethan?" Rose asks me.

"No time to explain," I reply to them. "We need to get to the van now!"

Since I was the strongest out of all of them I still had Ethan in my arms as we were all running towards were we parked our cars.

But when we finally got there the van was nowhere in sight.

"Shit!" I exclaim. "Jack took it!"

"Jack?" Tyler says to me confused. "Why would Jack take the van?"

"I said there's no time to explain!" I yell at them. "Tyler open and start the car!"

Tyler unlocks his car as we all get in. Of course I go in the back with Ethan cause there would be no room for us in the front. Tyler starts the car but doesn't go anywhere.

"What are you waiting for?" I say to him. "Let's go!"

"Mark you do realize I have no idea where we're supposed to go?" Tyler says to me,

"Yeah Mark," Rose replies. "I mean... Do you even know where to go?"

"I... I... I don't know," I say out loud realizing I had no clue which direction Jack has gone. I was literally going to take us on a wild goose chase for no good reason...

I look down at Ethan and realize he needs help and proper rest.

"Let's just go back to my house," I say to them. "Ethan needs to rest and then while we're there we can think of a plan."

"A plan for what exactly?" Rose asks as Tyler puts the car in reverse and then starts to drive off into the highway.

"Oh yeah I never explained to you guys why Ethan is like this or why I was freaking out so much," I say to them. "We'll... It's simple really..."

"What is?" Tyler says.

"Well... Jack kinda sorta..." I say to them slowly. "Kidnapped the rest of the girls."

"Wait what!?"

Dark's P.O.V

Shit... Anti what the actual fuck?

I pace around the room in Mark's mind before I decide to take a seat and think about all of this.

"Why would Anti kidnap three young women?" I ask myself. "It doesn't make any sense. Especially Anti who's doing it. Why would he do it? There's nothing beneficial from kidnapping those three... Unless... No that can't be. He wouldn't be that smart would he? But then again living hundreds of years I guess make you somewhat wiser."

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