Chapter 14: The Wolf That You Are

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Mark's P.O.V

"So Ethan," I say to him. "Are you going to talk?"

"Y-Yeah I will..." Ethan says to me. "Just give me a second."

By the looks of it, Ethan seems to be a little sad and out of it. And honestly, I probably am a little too. I just want to see everyone again, to their normal state. And I want to find out why Jack did all of this... Why he would do something like this? It's not like him at all... And in order to figure out his sudden actions. Ethan has to explain everything.

"Ok... I'm ready," Ethan says to me as he looks up.

I just stand there quietly as I prepare myself to listen to his every word.

"What I remember from last night was that Jack needed to go to the bathroom," Ethan starts to say to me. "And so me and Madi decided to accompany so he wouldn't get lost. Because Vegas is a big place and he rarely comes to the U.S often. But when me and Madi offered to go with him, he seemed a bit... Shaky. Like, he didn't want us to come hear him for some reason. I just assumed it was because he was probably drunk. But I think I assumed wrong..."

"Go on," I say to him as I sit down and continue to listen.

"A few moments later after Jack was in the bathroom," Ethan replies to me. "I had to go somewhere else, and I told Madi that I would be right back. But of course when I got back, literally just about 5 minutes later, Madi was gone. And so was Jack. And that left me a little baffled because one, I didn't think Jack would get out of the bathroom that fast. I assumed he was puking his guts out or something. Not literally though obviously. And two, I didn't think they'd leave me after Jack was done, I thought they would at least wait for me. And if not Jack then at least Madi. So that sent me confused for a minute there."

"And what happened next?" I ask him.

"Well I just started to try and look for them," Ethan says to me. "And so I decided to go and check up on (Y/n) and Wendy to see if they've seen Jack and Madi anywhere. They said no, but they offered to help me look for them. And so after a few minutes of looking I finally found Jack... Except... He was carrying Wendy in his arms. And it seemed like she was knocked out. I started freaking out, and then Jack started to say some sort of incantation at me. And when he was done it was lights out for me. And then the rest was just fuzzy... I don't even remember turning into a werewolf last night."

"That's all?" I ask him to make sure.

"Yes..." Ethan says to me. "That was all."

I sit there deep in thought... Incantations... Knocking ladies out... This doesn't sound like Jack at all... But...

"I think I may have an idea on why Jack kidnapped the girls," I say to him.

"You do?" He asks me.

"Yes," I reply to him. "And I have a feeling "he" was the one who turned you into a werewolf as well. With the incantation I mean. It only makes sense."

"So that means..." Ethan says to me. "He's the only one who can turn me back into a human?"

"Precisely," I say to him. "But to make sure my theory is right... I'm going to have to summon Dark."

"D-Dark!?" Ethan exclaims. "Why him!?"

"I can't believe I'm going to say this but... I need his help," I say to him. "Dark can track darker forces... And I don't believe Jack did this by his own will."

"Are you saying... Jack has a Dark too?" Ethan asks me.

"In a way yes," I say to him. "There is only one Darkiplier, but we all have our own demons inside of us don't we?"

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