Chapter 15: Time to Reveal the Deal

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Your P.O.V

You start to wake up slowly. And as you do you feel weak and with your head pounding in pain. You couldn't move. And it dawned on you that you were once again kidnapped.

Why is this happening to me again...

You see the dark figure whoosh right across you and fall again into the shadows. You then see it fly up to the ceiling and like a bat going upside down in a dark corner, where all you can see were his green vibrant eyes.

"I swear if you're Zach!... No... That would be impossible... He's dead," you say to the figure.

The figure still stands still ignoring what you just said. You try to break free from the chair but alas it was pointless... You might have super strength now that you were a werewolf... But with you being cuffed to the chair, and it being trailed with mistletoe dust, it hurt more than it should've. You felt like Superman being weak after being infected with kryptonite... It was that bad.

"Well?" You ask the figure. "Aren't you going to answer me!? You little shit!"

"Little shit?" The figure finally answers you as he chuckles menacingly. "I believe I'm taller than you are."

"So?" You tell him. "I can't even see you from being so far away and hanging upside down in that dark corner like a bat!"

"A bat you say?" The figure says as he falls gracefully down to the floor without breaking a single bone. "I am kinda like a bat."

"Stop it with all this bull!" You shout at it. "Why did you capture me and for what purpose!?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you that just yet..." The figure responds to you.

"And why not? If you're going to keep me here then might as well tell me!" You shout.

"Patience is key my dear," it replies. "Patience is key."

You stay there frustrated as you try to identify the figure. But still all you could see were those eyes...

Those unnatural green eyes.

"Come out into the light," you say to the figure. "I want to see how you look like."

"Do you really want to know who I am?" It responds to you.

"Since I'm probably going to do nothing else...yes," you say to it simply.

"Okay then...but you better be ready for a surprise," it says to you.

"I think I had enough surprises in my life time so I can no longer feel the shock," you reply to it.

"Well don't say I didn't warned you," the figure replies to you.

The figure then comes into the light slowly...

Revealing an Irish man with bright green hair...

And long, white, bloodied fangs.

"Surprise!" Jack says to you.

"J-Jack? What are you doing here?" You ask him confused. "And y-you're a vampire?

"Actually... My name's Anti dear," He says to you with a menacing smile. "And I've been a vampire my entire life."

"Anti?" You say to him confused... And then suddenly filled with anger. "What did you do with Jack!"

"Shhhh..." Anti says. "We mustn't mention his name. He is gone after all."

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" You ask him.

When the Night Darkens Ξ Sequel to When the Moon Rises (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now