Chapter 17: Hope and Dread

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Rose's P.O.V

"Think I'm still human?"

I look at all of them who were just staring at me. Well except for Tyler, he already knew my secret. It was just Mark and Ethan who were giving me weird looks I guess.

"What are you exactly?" Mark asks me.

"I'm a neko black and white fox," I respond to him. "And I can be useful too you know."

"This is weird... But cool," Ethan replies as he looks at my ears and tail.

"I can't tell if you're either insulting me or complementing me," I say to Ethan.

"Oh uh," Ethan says embarrassed. "Sorry."

"It's fine," I say to them. "Usually the reactions are different."

"How different?" Mark asks me.

"Well usually very surprised and scared," I say to them. "But ever since last night all I've gotten are stares and not that much of a surprised look."

I hear Tyler chuckle knowing that I was referring to him mostly.

"Sorry I wasn't scared at you," Tyler replies to me. "But I'm used to this stuff already. Plus you're not as scary as Mark."

"Hey! I can be scary!" I respond to him quickly.

"Trust me," Ethan replies. "No you can't. You haven't met Dark."

"Who's Dark?" I ask him confused.

"That's not the point right now," Mark butts in. "The point is to know what the fuck is going on right now."

"What the fuck is going on right now?" Ethan replies to him.

"I don't know!" Mark yells as he's stressed out. "My girlfriend and her friends were taken from my best friend! And then I find out that my best friend is a vampire with a maniac dark alter ego! And not only that but you turn into a werewolf as well!? And now I find out Rose is also not human! What next? Is Tyler going to also turn into some sort of creature? Is my girlfriend going to die!? Or worse, are they all going to get fucking stolen from their virginity just so some psychopath can rule the world!!!!!"

Mark then punches the nearest wall as I see his eyes start to glow a rage red.

"Mark calm down," Tyler reassures him.

"How can I fucking calm down!" Mark yells at him. "I need to save them before anything bad happens! But now I don't know where to start! Should I take care of this myself right now? Should I take you guys with me? Should I prepare myself! I'm fucking lost Tyler!"

Oh shit... When Tyler said Mark gets scary they really mean scary.

"Mark I-"

"Shut up Ethan!" Mark immediately spats. "There's so much on my mind right now that I just can't!-"

"Well I'm sorry! I didn't want to turn into a werewolf remember!" Ethan spat back. "I can't just change back into a human forever and make one less problem go away!"

"I'm not saying you're a problem!" Mark yells.

"Well it pretty much sounds like I'm a fucking problem to you Mark!" Ethan yells back. "Just a waste of space right!?"

"Guys stop!" Tyler yells at them.

"Stay out of this!" Mark and Ethan yell as their eyes turn into their wolf color.

Shit I need to do something... Something fast-

I saw Mark and Ethan start to growl at each other. Tyler trying to make them stop. And what am I doing? Currently nothing. And I'm going to change that.

When the Night Darkens Ξ Sequel to When the Moon Rises (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now