Author's Note

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(The drawing above is me so cherish this commission I paid for :3 Amanddica on deviant art has a lovely art style)

Only reason this is a day late because it was my brother's birthday yesterday and I wanted to spend time with him X3.

But before I get into the blah blah blah talking.

Listen to this song first :3

My friend recommended that song for me and it honestly can relate to all the characters in this book. To Mark with his past (Which will be mentioned more in the next book heh heh) As well as Jack and whatever dark pasts or problems the others had.

Now of course. I've been thinking whether or not opening another Q & A for this book in case you guys wanted to ask some questions. But leave a comment down below as well as your question if you want a Q & A and I'll think about it.

I need at least about 10 comments to make one but that's up to you X3 Any questions for the characters or about the book.

But anyway what else?... Oh yeah.

Ooh spooky epilogue, robot killer?


There has to be more than one maniac out there right? And he's creating a version of Googleplier that's worse than the original :D

Technically his name is "The Android" but we'll get into more of that later. Only spoiler I'm willing to tell right now.

And yes, I'm taking a small break and coming back to write the final book When the Sun Sets in January. So look forward to that and maybe sneaky peeks... :3

But other than that I want to thank you all for reading this book! I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry it took longer to finish than the first one but high school sucks man.

But I'm pretty sure I'll finish the next book faster don't worry X3 It's going to be epic.

So I may go silent till around winter. But do not fret because I will still be here and look at all your lovely comments and appreciation. Which is what keeps me going with writing so thank you again!

Well that's all...

Thanks for reading!

Blue Wolf Angel out!!!

When the Night Darkens Ξ Sequel to When the Moon Rises (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now