Chapter 30: Preparation

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December 19th

Mark's P.O.V

Today is the day...

The day to finally take action.

And take this bastard down for good.

"Is everybody ready?" I ask them.

"Sure enough dude!" Ethan exclaims.

"Shouldn't you guys test out your powers before we go?" (Y/n) asks Madi, Ethan and Tyler.

"We will, just not here," Tyler says right after.

"I hope I don't mess anything up..." Madi says unsure and (Y/n) goes to comfort her.

"Don't worry Madi, you're going to do great! Trust me," She smiles and so does Madi.

"Thanks (Y/n), I needed the reassurance."

"Well enough chit chat, are we ready to go or not?" I ask them.

"You bet we are Mark," Rose smiles at me sincerely.

Everyone else nods right after her, we're afraid. And it's a long trip as well. We have to cross mikes upon miles of ocean after all. Just so we can get to where Anti and Wendy are. Because of course, according to my sense they are in fact in the U.K.

Makes sense for Anti to bring her there. I mean why wouldn't he? It would be harder for us to track them both down since they're no longer in the country.

"Okay but please before we go can we test our powers out?" Madi asks. "I just don't feel confident yet."

I nod in response and look at Madi, Tyler and Ethan. All three who haven't exactly quite grasped what their powers are yet.

"Outside, all of you." I say to them. "We'll go to the woods. You guys practice your powers that Rose gave you, and then we're off."

"But only once you get a really good grasp of them," Rose says right after me.

"Yeah yeah," Ethan smiles. "That's just common sense. But I bet I'll get a good quick grasp of them!"

"Let's not push it Ethan. It took you longer than expected to get your werewolf powers in slight check." I say to him as I let out a slight chuckle.

"Hmph, whatever..." Ethan says. "I'm just trying to be a little positive here. Who knows what the hell will go on once we leave the US."

"He's right, we're going into unknown territory so Anti might have an advantage," Tyler says. "Which is why it is important that all of us stay together."

(Y/n) nods smiling. "And since we'll be together it will be harder for Anti to take us all down. Just don't separate because then he'll try to pick us off one by one."

"And remember what you have to do Mark," Rose says to me. "You have to somehow manage to take Anti out in the sunlight just long enough for Jack to emerge once again."

"Right, don't worry, I haven't forgotten about that at all." I reply. "In fact I think I have sort of an idea on how to go through with that."

"Just a sort of idea?" Madi says a little worried.

"Well I'm not a very good planner, I do everything last minute and somehow it always works." I respond to her.

"Let's just hope this time is one of those times where it does work..." Tyler says looking to the side a bit.

When the Night Darkens Ξ Sequel to When the Moon Rises (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now