Chapter 24: Till death shall we part

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Your P.O.V

He was right there.

Right in front of you.

His body still looking alive...

But at the same time not.

This can't be real...

This can't be happening...

But it was happening. And there was no doubt about it.

Mark, your boyfriend, who was also a werewolf...

Was dead.

In a matter of minutes... And you watched him die...

I couldn't save him...

Tears started to fall down your face again as you held him close against your body. Hugged and wanting him to hug back. You checked his wounds in case they were healing like they were supposed to. But nothing happened. They just stayed like they were. Still bleeding.

Ethan was in the corner unconscious still. Now in his human form. For he was cured and was no longer a werewolf.

You were the only werewolf now.

But you never agreed to this.

You wanted to stay a werewolf with Mark.

Not become a werewolf alone.

It's not fair is it? That he saved you long ago from dying as a human... But he couldn't save himself from dying as a werewolf.

And now Anti had taken away your best friend since early childhood. And you couldn't bare to state the fact that you might never see her again either. At least not the same. Because she will either become dinner, or become cold hearted like him too.

You also don't exactly know how long you've been there with him. Because soon Tyler and Rose came. And saw all of the chaos. They found Madi who was confused, especially since no one came back up after the fight with Anti. So Tyler and Rose became suspicious, and headed downstairs with Madi to check up on everyone...

And by the time they came downstairs they were all in shock and in disbelief.

Especially when they all found out Mark was dead.

They didn't believe it at first.

But it was definitely true.

Mark was dead.

And there was nothing we could do about it.

Rose started to mumble confused at how Mark was dead. And why he wasn't alive and all the weird statistics and what not.

Tyler helped me pick Mark up to carry him back to his car.

Madi went over to check on Ethan and breathed in relief once she found out he was only unconscious.

Because it would've been a shame if more than one died right?

Well Mark wasn't the only one that died tonight.

Dark and Wilford died along with him too.

You didn't exactly know why, but you felt sorrow for those two as well. They weren't exactly good... But they weren't exactly all bad either. They were a part of Mark. And nothing could change that fact.

When the Night Darkens Ξ Sequel to When the Moon Rises (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now