Keke Do You Love Me

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The idea of putting popular dances into the choreographs of idols songs is becoming an overused idea.
Such as Shine by Pentagon, or Go-Go by BTS, and Teenager by GOT7. Even though I'm in freaking love with all of those songs; it's just an example.

~They don't do the dance in the CORRECT WAY. I'm looking at you MOMOLAND !!

~Sometimes is just randomly put into the choreo that it ruins the whole dance.

~It just doesn't need to be there. Like ruins the MV..


~The shoot dance is definitely being overused.

~Don't use black peoples dances if you can't except them (just saying).

~Floss dance is just stupid.

~If you're not BamBam don't dab *lol*

~Lets leave the whip and naenae in 2016.

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