Band-wagon Hating

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Hating a group because a large number of people do.
It's kinda stupid, like it is stupid.

~I'm going to use Twice and BTS as examples.

~One person talks about how Twice has no since of "new generation K-Pop" blah blah, and everyone hops on that idea without even giving the group a chance.

~With BTS the hating was more like jealousy, they were like "oh Jin can't sing, blah. Which in a way that's an opinion but when multiple people continue saying that and throwing hate at the group for minor stuff it's like, "you really haven't listened to their music."

~I also believe band wagon hating ruins careers in this industry. If a group doesn't get support from the people the company they're under will go another way. Which is kinda sad for those people that worked so hard.

~okay let's just stop being stupid; bye👍👍

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