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Yeah I'm ranting
Deal with it, it's what this is~

~When writing a ff that you want to be "taken serious" don't use emojis.

~Makes it look unprofessional.


(I can use them because this book is unprofessional, not meant to be taken serious and 100% childish cuz I'm still 8 at heart.)

~EXAMPLE: a ff about...BlockB, Zico text Taeil, don't use

👋hey bro


~Like I know that's how people text, but when writing an actual story, don't you think it looks a little tacky.?

(Maybe it's just me)

~I mean it just bothers me when it's a book that's like suppose to be serious like something like a novel type thing then they try to put emojis. If it's a book like mine, for example, that's something different.

(Am I making sense..?)

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