Chapter 4- The Goblin Cave

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Kami couldn't help but feel excitement as he got closer to the cave. Soon enough he would go in there and take out those goblins and save the villagers. There was the matter that for some reason the goblins had initially kidnapped them instead of killing them, or even more so, why did they attack the village from the beginning.

From my gaming experience, this is probably the work of some person who is using these goblins to do his bidding. Would explain the random ONE person in there who's walking around like he owns the place. Would this be considered a boss fight? Typical RPG scenario, love it.

The sun had finally disappeared from the sky and high above it, was now the moon. It glistened down piercing through the night giving it a form of comfort. Kami finally reached the cave and stood in front of the entrance.

"Now how should I take care of this situation. Simple punching will do but I want to bring out the fancy stuff", he talked to himself out loud.

He snapped his fingers and a sword appeared in his hand. It was a simple iron sword; nothing fancy but good enough to take care of the situation inside.

No need to start of big. Aaah I should really focus on traveling after this. Heroics stuff is a bit exhausting when I have to make it so slow.

Kami didn't particularly find all this boring. Infact, it was all new and exciting to him but even so it was much more work than simply snapping his fingers and having everyone be saved and back in town while at the same time eliminating all the enemies. With that in mind he stepped inside the cave and looked around.

Once he got to a certain point the light of the moon no longer hit the inside of the cave. Instead there were torches lined across the cave that were lighting the way. He admired the amount of work it must have taken someone to actually make a cave like this their hideout. It looked well maintained just for being a cave. As he continued to inspect the cave a couple of Goblins appeared from the corner of one of the paths. Kami came to a stop and looked at them as they simply stared back. The three of them exchange a long moment of silence without moving.

This is... awkward, should I just...kill them?

As this thought crossed his mind one of the Goblins finally reacted. It lifted its club above its head and let out a cry


It wildly ran up to Kami as the second one responded to the cry and followed short behind the first one, now also holding its club above its head. Kami raised his sword slightly so the point of the sword would be aimed at the Goblin running up to him.

The goblin had the slowest reaction to this movement, so much so that it continued to run up to him and ran into the point of the sword instantly killing itself. The second Goblin still unaware of the situation continued to run up and collapsed himself against the first goblin further pushing the sword into the first and finally penetrating the second goblin as well, killing it.

Kami stood still, dumbfounded as to how these creatures had just simply ran into his sword. He had a blank expression as he saw two small "EXP +2" signs appear in front of his eyes.

I'm starting to wonder, did the goblins simply just invite the villagers in here? Maybe they lured them in with promises of riches and wealth beyond their dreams. No that's stupid there's no way these could have come up with a plan that advance for them.

He let out a heavy sigh as he lowered his sword and continued to walk further into the cave. It wasn't long before another group of goblins consisting of six came running up to him.

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