Chapter 30-Welcome to the Game

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The meteor made a sudden sharp turn in front of Kami and Hiromichi as the force blew Hiromochi back a few yards.

"H-holy shit what the hell is happening?!" yelled out Hiromichi.

Kami  sighed and snapped his fingers placing Hiromichi to sleep. His snores  surprisingly were loud and clear to the ear despite the loud entrance Sayu was making.

Th  bright light floated in front of Kami's face as it took shape. He saw  to his surprise a fist flying to his face. He knew what that would mean  if he took the full blow to the face as he swiftly opened his [Passives] and re enabled his [Omnipotent]  ability just in time for him to take the hit. He had very little time  to react as he teleported Hiromichi and Thief away a safe distance.

It  wasn't as fast to take effect as he thought it would be so he was  unable to brace himself for the impact and got thrown back. The force of  the punch destroyed a large area as he flew back what was potentially a  few yards before regaining composure. The area around them was  completely blown away destroying all form of nature and signs of life.  The force of the punch continued to echo throughout  the area destroying everything on its path and finally reached the  walls of the city. Part of the walls began cracking and suddenly it exploded bringing down part of the wall with it. 

Kami  looked at the effects of the punch on the city. They were quite a  distance away from the city so considering just the force had reached  it, Sayu had put quite a bit of force behind that punch.

"S-shit Sayu what's gotten into you?" asked a surprised Kami.

"Y-you left me in charge of everything all JUST so you could play hooky in a video game world I AM NOT-" she spoke in an angry tone as she spread her wings and suddenly stopping herself.

She landed on the ground and immediately prostrated herself on the ground. The tone of her voice changed immediately to one of a more submissive nature.

"Merciful God, Creator of-"

"Please  spare me the worshiping, that was the first time I've seen you get  like that I have to say it's a nice change, despite you trying to hurt  me." Kami said as he adjusted his shirt once more.

Her punch had done nothing but he was nonetheless surprise to have taken a punch from what was his personal assistant.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be running Heaven right now?" asked Kami as he walked up to Sayu who still had her head on the floor.

Her wings flapped intensively as she lifted her head and once again sounded angry.

"You're telling ME I should be in HEAVEN?! You little brat! Do you-I... Almighty please forgive my-"

Agh  here we go again. Well it seems like she's at least being a little  honest with herself I can tell she's angry with me but her need to  devote herself to me is a little bothersome, really.

Kami raised his hand as Sayu grew quiet.

"Well  I'm glad we can have this talk but I'm not going anywhere. I'm having a  little too much fun here and I'm not exactly ready to go back."

Sayu looked at Kami with a horrified expression as she stuttered to speak.

"Y-you  can't stay here! Creation as we know it is falling apart. Just while I  was in charge more than 60 thousand Universe fell apart and countless  other once are on the verge of following. W-we need you back in Heaven  to run everything back in order."

Kami tilted his head and yawned.

She's  complaining about 60 thousand universes.?Please that's not even a  reasonable fraction to complain about. The angels will get used to  running Heaven on their own soon. I left everything in Heaven that they  would need if this was to ever happen they HAVE to take care of  themselves at some point.

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