Ew, you know I don't like cheese

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The next three weeks after filming finished I spent at home in Massachusetts. Tom had travelled back and spent four days with us and Lizzie had joined for three before they each had to fly back to be with their own families.

I spent time with my mom, catching up on everything I had missed and learning all about the neighbourhood gossip.

Turns out Susan from down the street had been sleeping with her husband's brother since June last year and two of her children were actually his.

After I left home, I flew to LA with the dogs to finalise everything with my new house. It was beautiful, five bedroom, four bathrooms, a huge yard and a giant built in pool.

I moved in two days later, all my furniture was delivered around the same time so it was chaotic for a while. But some of the cast were able to help chip in and move some boxes. I managed to rope Seb and Robert into moving my dining room table and putting my queen sized bed together.

I had only been settled into the house for a week before I was going on vacation.

"Carter! Come on, you've had so long to get packed!" Tom called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Wait! I can't find my-"

"On your head!"

"Never mind!" I picked up my backpack and threw it on before running down the stairs to see Tom smirking at me.

"I've put all the suitcases in the trunk and I've got the dogs. I thought you were the organised one?" He laughed, pecking my lips before walking out the front door.

"Only when I have Lucy, if I don't then it's pretty much guaranteed I'm going to forget something." I laughed as I shut the door and locked it before heading towards the cab.

He opened the door for me and I smiled at him with a childish grin. He only laughed and shook his head before walking round the car and climbing in next to me.

After a lot of research, we found that Greece doesn't allow animals to be brought into the country without excessive health checks and being in quarantine for months, at which point the holiday would be over. So, Lizzie offered to watch the dogs for the three weeks we'd be away. I gave her the key to my house as well in case, for any reason, she needed to get in there.

We dropped the puppies off at her home - not without a few tears - and headed to the airport.

"Where are you going? The terminals are that way?" I gestured behind me as Tom stopped in the middle of the airport.

"Well, I figured, we could take the private jet." He smirked, tugging on my hand to look out the window.

"You rented a private jet?!" I squealed and hugged him tightly. "You're crazy!" I laughed as Tom started leading us in the direction of the plane.

We soon found ourselves sitting side by side in the comfiest plane seats ever with the two fight attendants finalising safety checks before shutting the door and letting us know the plane will take off in about ten minutes.

I looked out the window with my head resting on my hand. Tom held my other hand tightly in both of his own, his thumb running over my hands and providing me with more comfort than he would know.

"Have you used a new shampoo?" Tom questioned, breaking the comfortable silence.

"What?" I laughed as I turned to look at him.

"Your hair, it looks shinier. Not that it wasn't shiny before, it was great! Not that it's not great now-"

I cut him off by leaning over and kissing his lips gently.

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