Like Vegas? How romantic

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"Tom." I breathed, not knowing what to say. It was barely a whisper as my breath got caught in my throat.

"You have no idea how good it feels to hear your voice. Darling, I've been going stir crazy! What's been going on?" He rushed, despite the obvious pain he felt as he did.

"I have to go." I mumbled quietly.

"No! Don't go. I mean, I just got you on the phone. Please don't leave again."

There was a pause. The silence rang in my ears. It was practically deafening.

"Carter, talk to me." I let out a deep exhale, picking up my bag from the floor before walking back through the door.

"I don't know what to say." I mumbled, almost at a complete loss for words. I made my way to the elevator and pressed the button.

"Maybe you could tell me what's been going on? Is it about the whole baby bump thing?" He asked.


"Because I know Chris told you I was freaking out. I don't want you to think anything of it. I was just shocked." The doors opened so I climbed in, pressed floor I needed and leant against the railing.


"If you really were pregnant, I wouldn't really freak out. I hope you know that? Of course I wouldn't. I wouldn't leave you-"

"You fucked my assistant!" I all but yelled down the phone, trying to get him to stop talking. He paused, I heard him inhale sharply as he was clearly stunned by my statement.

"She wasn't your assistant at the time." Was all he came out with after a moment of silence.

"That's all you've got? That's all your going to say?" I stepped out of the elevator after it stopped and made my way back to my room.

"There's nothing else to say. When we.... slept together, she wasn't your assistant." He explained calmly. I unlocked the door and walked in, slamming it unnecessarily hard to close it.

"And you didn't think to mention your history when I hired her? For fucks sake, Tom you helped me decide who to hire. Was that all you wanted, to have another option close by in case I wasn't enough?" I pleaded as tears suddenly fell without warning. I dropped my bag onto the couch, deciding to unpack it later.

"No! No, no. Of course not." He rushed, doing his best to comfort me though it wasn't working. "Of course it wasn't like that, love."

"Then What was it like, Tom? Because I can't seem to think of anything else. Please, do enlighten me as to why the fuck you let me hire someone who'd already destroyed our relationship once before?" I sobbed, completely out of control of my emotions as I paced the length of my room. My wet bikini clung to my body but I had no desire to change yet.

"Because it hadn't hit the press! I had my publicist kill the story, destroy any and all evidence so that it didn't hurt you or your career. Lucy-"

"Don't say her name." I mumbled through my tears.

"She came back, threatening to go to the press and sell her story. She basically blackmailed me into getting her this job with you. I didn't know what else to do." I could hear his voice croak as he too was probably close to crying.

"You could've talked to me." I breathed, finally being able to stop my body from shaking with sobs.

We went back to silence, neither one of us knew what to say now. The tension over the phone became overwhelming, so I took it upon myself to talk first.

"I think I need some time." I spoke, swallowing harshly as new tears threatening to spill.

"Please don't say that. I can't bare to lose you again." He began crying and it only shattered my heart further.

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