Chapter 1

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With each passing second, fear crept into every living cell I had as he slowly unbolted the door.

Fear shot through my body over and over. I prayed, no, I willed for my body to blend into the darkness of the small cabin's corner hoping that somehow then, he might actually spare my life.

But my luck had already run short, I knew that he wouldn't spare me like that, especially with the cards that god had dealt me.

He turned the handle slowly, mocking me and my helplessness as I sat there, running through all the possible ways this could end; none of them ended with me getting out of here alive.

So as door creaked open, all the oxygen in my lungs was forced out of me while I came to grips with the fact that this might be the last sight I ever see:

The silver, hollow barrel of his handgun pointing right in between my brows.


A month and a half ago

Sitting at the dining table, I finished up the last of the rich purple strokes on the flower I'd started earlier. Flicking back in my sketchbook, I looked at the various paintings of the exact same flower I'd replicated over and over.

It wasn't as good as the last one. This ones blue centre was too bright, the flower looking more cartoonish than usual.

Letting out a sigh, I shoved the sketchbook into my bag, ignoring the plate of burnt scrambled eggs that sat on the table as I scrambled up to get out of the door.

"Maya, you didn't actually finish your breakfast. Get back in here." Brian screamed as I now left through the front door, speeding down the stairs at an alarming rate..

I looked around, completely aware that my dad was now hot on my trail.

Come on Connor, where are you? I asked to myself, hoping that in the next few seconds, they'd pull up and take me away from Brian, who was now attempting to get me back in the house to force feed me some still burnt scrambled eggs.

How do you even manage to burn scrambled eggs?

Goddamit, I swear if they're the reason I end up with food poisoning, I'll save some for later and mix it with their lunches.

Finally, after waiting for so long, Connor's teal Ford Fiesta pulled up onto my driveway.

"Ok, bye dad!" I screamed, trying to open up the door to get in.

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