Chapter 14

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Raw with the tugging and struggling against the ropes, I felt all of my energy slowly reaching its pit

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Raw with the tugging and struggling against the ropes, I felt all of my energy slowly reaching its pit.

It had been two days now since they had let Connor go and since I had handed myself over yet nothing had happened to me yet.

That was, until a brawny man opened the door.

I quickly masked my face of any emotions, knowing that anything I do could have been used against me.

"The sir would like to have dinner with you."

"I don't know why he thinks I'll play house buddy with him now, especially as he seems to be wasting my fucking time. Tell the pussy to come up here himself and untie me himself."

But my words fell on deaf ears. Yet to my surprise, there stood Dillen, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"What's that, you want me to come to you myself? You really like me that much?"

Repulsion ripped through my limbs as the connotations of what he said registered.

"I don't want to eat your freaking food."

"You're going to need strength if you want to be able to survive here."

"I. Don't. Want. Your. Fucking. Food."

"It's all your choice really, but don't blame me when we talk later on and you can't even stay awake."

I could feel a blush creeping onto my face as the loudest rumble erupted from within me, my own body betraying me with its noises.

"Untie her, she won't be any use to us starved."

I felt the rope loosen around my wrists and I looked between the man and the door, calculating whether or not I could make it but it was like Dillen could read my mind.

"Try anything and it's night night for Connor, darling."

His own gun glinted from his waistband and I knew that Jacks guards would not give a flying fuck about shooting me.

For the time being, I obeyed him.

It took everything to not knock him out that second but my survival depended on it.

Heck, Connors survival depended on it.

I stood up but I might as well have been high on laced weed because as soon as I stood up, my legs buckled and I fell.

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