Chapter 29

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My legs were already squeezing up with the lack of exercise I had received over the last few days

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My legs were already squeezing up with the lack of exercise I had received over the last few days.

Everyone was running at full speed while I slowly made my way over, panting and wheezing.

Jesus, I'd become so, so unfit so quickly.

I looked down at my legs and realised that over the time that I had been held captive, my legs had become sickly and my arms were sticking out at the elbows.

I definitely did not look like my normal, sexy self, oh no.

I looked like a horror movie version of myself. Not a good look to say the least.

"Guys.... Wait for.... Me."

"No, you hurry up." The blonde girl said. I just scowled at her before I jogged to catch up.

It actually lowkey p'ssed me off how the other three of them looked almost radiated by the running however, I must have looked like a literal hobo. I could actually feel my hair sticking up in a way that did not comply with gravity.

Why couldn't I have the supermodel glow that Zara was sporting right about now?

Scowling, I fast-walked past the three of them.

"Just tell me where we're going."

"Well..." Derek began.

"...We're not sure." Jacob finished.

I would have nearly saw the whole finishing sentences thing cute if I wasn't dying of lactic acid build up in my legs and hunger eating away at my stomach.

'You must be kidding me.' escaped my lips before I could stop myself.

"Actually, my brother has a hideout where he is right now. We could go over there."

"How do we know your brother isn't another psycho?" Jacob asked this time, obvious suspicion lacing his words.

"Well, unless you're planning on sleeping outside here in the woods, I'd come along. It's actually be better for me really!" Derek exclaimed, sounding a little to excited about the whole ordeal.

"What, and leave poor Maya with you? She'd want to burn her eyes and her eyes by the time you'd be done with her."

"I guess we'll see about that, won't we."
Derek finished, sending a wink my way.

I never would have said I was a complete innocent kid when it came to boys but the way Derek worded the whole thing made me feel like hell was burning up in my cheeks.

I just ran towards Zara and stood next to her while the boys carried on bickering it out.

"Wow, imagine having two boys fighting over you."

"I mean, I wouldn't put it like that as such...."

"Ok then Maya, how would you put it?"

I thought for a few seconds but no other answer came to mind.

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