Chapter 4

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I was fuming

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I was fuming.

What the hell?

She hadn't spoken to me in two whole years, and now she expects me to be close with her? She hurt me and sent me away like that and she wants me to be chummy with her?

I could feel my blood heating by the second as my anger slowly rose to an all time high. But before I could take any action from this anger, a sudden coldness crept into me, chilling my bones to the core.

I had forgotten to end the call, and thank god I had because not much later, I heard the most high pitched, ear-piercing scream that could only have come from one source.

Trying to get my head straight, I tried to think of logical explanations as to why she would have screamed like that, secretly hoping she hadn't gotten herself into any trouble, but I knew that was only a hope as I heard another voice through her phone.

"You didn't think I wasn't going to keep up my end of the deal did you?"

"I.. Why... What do you want, Silver?"

"So that's the cute little nickname you've given me huh? I think I quite like it. But that's enough for formalities I think. I have a deal for you. And should you accept, I will leave Connor and Ocean alone, as well as making sure they have full protection from anyone that may want to harm them."

"Why would anyone want to harm Ocean and Connor?"

"Maya, Maya, you naive young girl. You don't know anything do you?"

"What are you even talking about??"

"Well.. back to the deal. If you choose not to accept, I'll start off with Connor, then I'll kill off Ocean. Actually, I'll let you watch me torture them, put them through so much pain that they are begging and pleading to die, and all that, just because you didn't accept a simple deal."

"What is this deal? Just.. just stop beating around the bush and tell me what I have to do." She said, her voice cracking. I could imagine her trying to keep her straight face, but failing as her tears betray her.

"Simple really. You hand yourself to me, and I'll give them all full protection. Easy, don't you think?"

"I... why would you want me?"

"Just make your choice. And make it quickly. You can ask your questions when I have you, safely with me."

Please don't say yes. Please don't say yes.
Don't do something stupid Maya, don't say yes.

"Will you promise to let them go?"

"I'm a man who never backs down on his word. Your mother is dead proof of that."

He chuckled at his own pun, proving that Maya had never lied. I never listened to her weird theories of a weird silver eyed man, always thinking that she was just rambling, trying to point the finger at someone, anyone. But this also meant that someone had sent Silver to kill her mum, why else would he have to 'keep his word'?

I muted my side of the conversation, just in case I made a noise and put Maya's life at risk. I couldn't care less about these Ocean and Connor people, I was once the only one there for her.

Without waiting, I grabbed my car keys off my coffee table and ran to the car, my mind going mental from what might happen to her.

She might have pushed me away so fiercely once but I once loved her as well. Your first love isn't something you forget quickly.

Memories of when we were young flooded my mind, like the one time we decided to egg Mrs Hetling's house for giving us detention for talking. Another time, I remember how we sat at the top of the hill, all sweaty and out of breath from all the walking. We spoke about so much, but one of the things that stood out most from that conversation was when we spoke about our futures, how we promised each other that if by 25, we weren't engaged, we would marry each other. Thinking about that made a small smile appear on my face, all the sweet memories bringing me back to a good place.

Feeling like a mad man, I sped my way through the city to her old address, 62 Lightings Avenue, my heart beat pounding faster and faster by the second. I pulled up at the house, making the most minimal noise I could make. I couldn't do anything that could tip off Silver.

Taking out my phone, I made a simple, amateur mistake which could endanger the life of Maya Cordero. My fingers slipped up and I un-muted the call instead of ending it and as if the whole world was against me, my car door slammed shut.

Slightly overdue but here's the next chapter of S:T.
I've changed it up a little bit with Derek's POV, what do you guys think? Should I do more chapters in the eyes if Derek or stick to Maya's?
What do you think is going to happen now that Silver knows that Maya isn't alone?

If you think this chapter deserved it, drop it a like and a comment!
So long!

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