Chapter 31

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It had nearly been two weeks now

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It had nearly been two weeks now.

Two weeks of recuperating.

Derek has nearly regained all of his strength and you could tell that he was healing well from his cuts. There would be scars, you could tell, but in the end, it's your scars that make you different from everybody else.

Connor had now completely healed and it's safe to say that I was still confused as to how he managed to recover so quickly.

Probably on steroids.

Jacob, being Jacob, just teased us all for being 'weak' and 'püssys' for not fighting back.

I think he might have completely just forgot about the fact that oh... I don't know... we were restrained?

Zara didn't seem as shy as she was before. If anything, is two were actually getting quite close.

Even though we couldn't go out for meals and to go shopping, with the amount of clothes that Connor seemed to have for us, we may aswell have been living in the mall.

These two weeks were needed, we all needed a break if I'm honest.

While everyone slowly built their way back up, Derek was teaching everyone to fight. If we were going to beat Jack, we couldn't let him get a hold of us, not even for a second so we were going to have to fight.

I think Derek had this all premeditated though because he even got us into partners.

Can you guess who was mine?

If you said Derek, well done! Because of course I'd do so well against the best fighter here.

I had to be honest though, out of everyone here, me and Derek could easily have been the best fighters here.

Connor and Zara had been paired off and Jacob basically joined in with Connor whenever Zara got tired.

"Hey, Derek, I never got that rematch from Tuesday."

"I don't understand why you need a rematch, you literally won the last one."

"That's only because you let me win!"

"That's what I'd like to think." Derek said in a much lower voice.

"Fine, if you're so sure about that, let's fight it out now."

Smirking at me, he took one step closer to me.

Then another.

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