Chapter 40

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Once we walked out of the door, the harsh whipping of the wind messed up my hair, blinding me with the constant hitting on my face

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Once we walked out of the door, the harsh whipping of the wind messed up my hair, blinding me with the constant hitting on my face.

It was weird, leaving the house after so long, in a way. I was starting to get used to how comfortable I was in the house.

I should have known though, really, that I wasn't safe in that house for long.

It was quite weird that I still didn't really know what was going on after so long but I mean, it's not like I was going to get out of this situation without playing through the whole thing.

See, walking from the ladder to the door, I realised that I could be fearful for everything that could happen next, or I could embrace it. I was never going to be able to get back to my old life, Jack made sure of it when he decided to shoot up my school.

So then, the next best thing I could do was enjoy the chase, right?

So as we were running into the woods, past the thorned bushes and plants that stood towering over us, I felt exhilarated. 

I could feel a kind of happiness filling me up from my heart and I didn't know what was going on, but I wanted to laugh. I wanted to scream, to let the world know that I was completely OK with the way things were turning out.

I just found the whole situation so funny. I could never go back to that boring lifestyle of mine even if I tried.

So while I was running through that wood, I laughed. I laughed and screamed with joy whilst Derek trailed me.

"Erm, Maya, are you ok?"

"Better than ok. I'm ready. For the past month, Jack's put me in such a bad place, you know? I mean, chances are, things will play out and it'll end in two ways. We'll all get out of this but then live lives full of boredom. The other way is that none of us get out of it alive, but at least the chase would have been fun. It's a dark thought but let's make the most of it, Derek. If this is going to be the last thing we ever do, let's enjoy it."

I stopped running for a second, panting from the run, and turned towards him.

He looked proud.

As he looked at me, he looked proud and seemed just as happy as I did.

"Ok." he said, and with that, I solidified what I thought.

He didn't think we'd get out of this either.

So we were going to enjoy our last moments.

"DILLEN, COME ON, COME FIND US." I screamed whilst Derek whistled behind me.

This past month had been too boring, nothing had happened and of course, I was craving for something to happen again.

So when I heard the cocking off the gun from behind us, I broke into hysterics with Derek as I pulled him further into the woods.

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