Chapter 13

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"The fact that you're back here doesn't make any fucking sense

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"The fact that you're back here doesn't make any fucking sense."

"I saw that you were with Maya a few days ago, you were the one who checked her into the hospital. Safe to say that you care about her."

"I didn't wan't her to die, I don't want anyone to die on my watch, not after what happened."

"You saw her dead mum, you couldn't control that."

F*ck, I was so desperate. She'd messed up again having gone missing, along with her two closest friends.

Greene had assigned one of his men to me, Tanner Trisromb, making sure that whatever happened to Connor and Ocean didn't happen to me too. The girl's body had been found in an abandoned house that used to belong to a 'Martinn Roberts' and the state she was found? Even the 'Saw' series would have had trouble topping it.

"The name's a fake though, Martin Roberts doesn't exist."

I probably should have been more affected by the death of one of Maya closes friends but I felt nothing, maybe because she meant nothing to me or maybe because I had become a despicable person but I didn't care, not after what happened two years ago, not after my life completely derailed. 

Connor was yet to be found and I felt a slight chill, knowing that if Ocean's killer had the guts to do such a thing, Connor was probably already at Heaven's gateway.

Trisromb had been with me for a week now and as much as I didn't want to be a charity case for Interpol, it felt nice to know that I had someone to keep me company, someone to make sure I didn't die.

I knew it was a long shot, but I found myself being in that bubble, that bubble where you know you have someone you can count on. It had been so, so long since I had anyone stay with me, even though this was just because he was assigned, it was still a relief all the same.

"Derek,  pass me a beer. Let's watch the match today, that is, if you don't have any other plans, of course."

"I don't watch football."

"Are you trying to tell me that you have a 4K 62" TV that you don't even use?"

"I'll  get you the beer, but I'm going up to catch some sleep. Take whatever you need alright?"

"You ain't any fun, you know that Leo?"

And suddenly, I felt all my emotions reach a new high after hearing my real name once more, my anger and frustration taking control of me, slowly taking me over. Heat and red. That is all I could see. I felt my feet carrying me back down into his face, my foot smashing against the laminated floor and the next thing I saw was my face next to his.

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