Chapter 11

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This beautiful, mysterious stranger was my stalkers son!

I couldn't sit here any longer, but by the time I had reached the door handle, I heard the car doors lock.

I always knew my stupid mistakes would get me in trouble, but getting into my killer's son's car, really?

I tried to study his face for any menace or ill will but all I saw was a face filling with more sadness with every second that passed.

"Please, please don't leave. I know you're probably thinking that every moment you spend with me could be your last, but I need you to trust me, I'm here to get back on my dad. Step-dad."

"What the hell Jacob? Get away from me!"

Within seconds, his once devastated face quickly morphed into nothingness as a coldness took over his demeanour. Straightening, his back suddenly raised his height and he towered over me.

It really did feel like them moments in cartoons where the villain towers over the helpless victim; I hated that I was the helpless victim in question.

"Get out."

"Jacob, you pulled me into the car what are you playing at?"

"I said, get out" he muttered just loud enough again, not making eye contact with me.

"Why would you pull me in here then just tell me to get out?"

"I said, get the f*ck out!"

I could feel tears prickling at the corners of my eyes and I knew that I did not intend on letting the enemy see my weakness so I grabbed the now unlocked handle and bolted out of there, not having a clue as to where I was going, but I knew that for now, anywhere but here would do.

I ran and ran and ran, until I faced a familiar park, just opposite the beautiful, ivy decorated house where I once spent many nights in Derek's room.

Nostalgia took me over as I replayed scenes of when I was younger on my head once more, the memories seeming more like scenes out of a cheesy rom com that actual retellings of the past.

Compelling me towards its intricate ins and outs across the nearly broken brick wall, I made my way towards the house, my body walking on its own rather than making any conscious decisions, my feet picking up speed as I reminisced in the familiar feeling of joy which I felt every time I walked through the front door.

It was unlocked.

The joy that I had felt mere seconds ago vanished as a coldness seeped through my every pore, curiosity and fear emanating from my every cell.

It was a lot like deja-vu, this feeling I felt as I found myself again inspecting an abandoned home from my childhood.

I didn't even have enough time to build up my anxiety before a heart-stopping scream erupted from the room next to where I was being held.

I listened on in horror as I heard a broken Connor pleading for mercy and begging his torturer to stop. Shrill shrieks pierces through my ears and a heart-wrenching slice rang in my ear over and over as I heard the cries of help and pain intensify into a new level of physical and mental torture.

I knew that I couldn't sit here listening to my best friend being tormented like this, his screams on their own bringing a surge of sudden confidence through me, my body suddenly so full with energy that I didn't even think twice before jumping into the room, my palm connecting to the door so hard that I heard the wood crack again the force of the hinges.

My eyes nearly rolled back and I felt myself feel more and more faint as a bloody Connor lay pale and nearly unconscious in front of me, his wrists and ankles tied to a metal chair which was bolted into the ground. Slashes of deep red penetrated his usually clean attire, rips and gashes decorating his usually pristine look.

I let a small whimper out, my mind no longer controlling the actions of my body.

I ran towards the hooded figure that sat just a few metres from Connor, a bloody knife glinting in his right hand.

An evil smile possessed his face as he raised his knife and pulled it back, my naieveness once again nearly costing me my life as I saw the sharp metal hurling towards me at a high speed.

Nicking me on my chest, I ducked out of the way just in time before it had completely taken off my head.

Without having time to look at the done damage, I felt two strong arms wrap around me as I felt a cloth being wrapped around my mouth, my body once again failing to cooperate with my mind as I felt myself writhing against the body of my tormentor, my body loosing consciousness as I felt myself fall deeper and deeper into darkness. And before I completely fell into the darkness, I heard a final, ear-tearing scream as Connor wailed my name.

A/n: Hey guys, I'm once more feeding you all more and more of the horror/ action side of the story. I need to make it clear that this story is more of an action/thriller read rather than horror and that you will see later on how it incorporates senses of romance, adventure and for those of you who love some gang shit, I'll have some of that for you by the end of this book aswell.

Please tell me here if you think this story is turning into horror as this is not what I'm aiming towards.

But other than that, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as I start to build up some of the tension and start the second part of the story.

Please vote and comment if you think this chapter deserved it❤️
See you all soon! x


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