Chapter 10

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Filled with an emotion I couldn't decode, the sparkling blue of the eyes sent pleasurable chills down my spine, a funny warmth spreading through me under his glare

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Filled with an emotion I couldn't decode, the sparkling blue of the eyes sent pleasurable chills down my spine, a funny warmth spreading through me under his glare.

Starting to walk towards me, I suddenly became wary of the stranger making his way towards me but as if he could tell I was going to run, he said in the most chillingly calm voice
"Stay where you are, Maya."

I didn't like how just a few words made me want to find out everything about him.

It usually the boys after me, not the other way around!!

I took the moment to really admire the beauty that stood in front of me, his eyes contrasting in the most charming matter against his lightly tanned face, his dark hair and lashes bringing out the special sparkle that lit up his face. Yet, a look of intimidation and an overall hardness in his face made me want to move back and curl into a ball. His attractiveness and aura made me want to come closer and wrap my hands around him but also made me want to go running for the hills.

His face is was blessed with a sharp jawline and an angular nose, thin but hard set. Thick and well placed, his dark brows perfectly framed his perfectly chiseled face, my insides doing unfamiliar flips as I really soaked in his blatant attractiveness.

What was this guy doing with someone like me? I heard myself ask before I remembered what a girl I was like mere days ago.

His strong strides made me want to run away but once again, that curiosity held me in place, stopping me from running into safety. By the time he reached me, I could feel a mental drool coming from my mouth as I completely drowned myself in his looks and aura, loving to watch his ways, the way he walked, the way he looked, the way he moved with a blatant want, dripping with a calming intimidation.

Grabbing my wrist in a gentle manner, he pulled me towards his car, not giving me a chance to object. He opened the door and let me slide in and I forgot about my own free will. I let him do whatever he doing.

He must be a witch or something because why in the heck am I getting in a car with a stranger?

A really freaking attractive stranger.

Get your head together you horny bastard.

Sitting at the steering wheel, he turned towards me and stared into my eyes and the moment our eyes met, I knew that he wasn't here to have fun and mess around but it had greatly to do with the current situation I had found myself in.

"I'll get straight to the point. That man I just crashed into is after you and I haven't got a clue why. Yet anyway."

"Why do you think he's after me?"

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