Chapter 21

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I can literally feel my brain doing somersaults because I can't even try to come up with any ideas about what the hell is going on right now

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I can literally feel my brain doing somersaults because I can't even try to come up with any ideas about what the hell is going on right now.

First of all, why the hell did Tanner have Martinn's medications?

Second of all, why did Tanner have a board with Maya in the middle?

Third of all, why was this all news to me?

And that's when it hit me. What is Martinn Roberts rearranged?

Tanner Trisromb.

I remember the deal I had made with Greene that if I was going to have Tanner chaperoning my every move, I want to know what's going on at all times of the investigation, especially if it had direct ties to Maya.

With Interpol breathing down his neck, what the hell did Tanner think he was doing, dancing with the enemy? Did he think he was being smart? Did he think he was going to get anything from playing double agent?

So many questions swirled around my head that I was oblivious to the fact that Tanner had stirred. I had only realised once I felt a pair of eyes drilling into my back.

Slowly turning around, I came face to face with a metal object. A metal object that I know shouldn't be flung around without care.

For the second time in my life, I was looking down the barrel of a gun.

This was starting to get old.

"What are you holding there, Derek?"

My eyes quickly travelled to the bottle of sleeping pills that lay in my hand, the incriminating evidence unavoidable. I couldn't even hide them if I tried and I couldn't pretend like I didn't see Martinn's name on the bottle because that look on his face told me everything  I needed to know.

He knew that I knew.

Raising my arms in surrender, I felt myself trembling slightly at the deja by this whole situation caused.

"I guess you have a lot of questions but they're just going to have to wait. Follow me right now if you don't want a bullet in your head."

"You can't kill me with your issues and expect there not to be any questions."

"I know, that's why it's unlicensed. You forget that I could easily lie my way out of this situation, you're the only witness and funnily enough, you'll be dead. I'll give you ten seconds and after that, you can say bye bye to Maya, me and the rest of this world."

Scrambling to my feet, I kept my arms raised above my head.

I wonder, could I do that trick that Maya has always gotten away with, by pushing the gun out of his hands like she's done to me many a time before?

Tanner's face turned stone cold as I walked infront of him cautiously. Jabbing my back with his gun, I felt a light cold sweat break out over my back.

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