Chapter 15

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That name felt way to familiar for it to be coincidence

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That name felt way to familiar for it to be coincidence.

Coincidences are quite common though aren't they?

Just as common as a 60 year old maths teacher actually getting laid.


I sat there for a few minutes, trying my very hardest to calm down my climbing heart rate as I asked him the one question that might change everything.

"Wh—what were they talking about?"

And of course, it's the one question he couldn't answer.

"I'm so sorry Miss, I... he lead me away before I could hear anything of better use."

"Do you even know who he is?"

"I can tell you this Miss, Jack has been chasing him for years on end and I have a feeling you may be deeply connected to whatever he's looking for. I can tell you one thing though, Estë is a dangerous man."

But as my luck had it, that's the exact time Dillen burst in, his face so red that I might have accidentally mistaken him for a mad man covered in blood.

Oh god.

He was a mad man covered in blood.

I started panicking as he paced towards me, his anger visible from his bloodshot eyes and bulging sockets.


"Are you h-high?" I tried to ask with confidence but the slight discrepancy in my voice made me cringe.

"You don't have any right to ask me anything. Look at me!"

I shuddered under his gaze as he slowly backed me into a corner. Squirming with disgust, I tried to think of a way out but he had me cornered. Looking past Jack, I tried to catch Isten's eyes but he lowered his gaze to the floor, his eyes full of guilt and helplessness.

Raising his hand, I flinched, bracing myself for the pain across my cheek which I knew would be inevitable.

Yet he surprised me when he started to caress my face instead, the anger quickly dissipating from him as he started talking words that made no sense.

He would repeat over and over "you looked just like him, you were just like him" but I didn't understand what he was on about.

Me and my dad looked nothing alike.

Versus my dad's light brown hair and dark eyes, I looked nothing like him with my dark curly hair and hazel eyes.

His eyes carried so many emotions. So much pain, guilt, betrayal and sadness that I was about to begin sympathising for him.

But of course, before I let myself feel, my eyes fell upon his bloody face, reality hitting me as I realised that the blood could not have been his own.

"Why are you so bloody?"

He looked taken aback for a minute before moving himself off of me, his eyes returning to his deathly mask that covered his whole face.

"Don't ever try and meddle with my affairs again."

And just like that, he walked off.

That whole encounter made as much sense as physics. And I don't understand physics for sh*t.

"Isten..." but before I could ask what was happening, he walked out of the room, making sure he locked it as he left, not before completely unsettling me by saying
"I hope to see you soon but you're going to get out of here yourself. I doubt Dillen will be coming back anytime soon."

It's fair to say I wasn't feeling as jolly as I was just a mere 5 minutes ago.

Sitting in a room with literally nothing else other than your murderous and confusing thoughts was quite close to what I'd call personal torture. I quite simply could not process all the new complications that had just been introduced.

Estë Mendez.

The rational half of my brain told me that Isten was definitely telling me the truth and that he was definitely one of the reasons I had wound up here. Another part of my brain was telling me that it was all a massive coincidence and that the world is a funny place and the last part of my brain was telling me that this was a massive governmental experiment to see how human brains work under certain pressure exposures. At least if it was the last option, it wouldn't be as real but I had started coming to terms with the fact that this was indeed real life and I had to find out who this Mendez guy was.

Is he a good man? What was he doing to get someone like Dillen to turn against him? How would they even bloody know each other?

Wait, I need to get out of here if I want to even figure any of this out.

I stared pacing around the room, looking under every table and pulling back all the painting, desperately trying to find anything that could help me get out of here.

I'm guessing it's been nearly half a day. Or maybe it's been three days. I genuinely cannot tell because it's literally always bright as the lights were always on and all the windows had been barred and blocked off.

That's when I remembered, I always have grips on me.

I ran to the door and pulled a grip out of my hair. Prying the bobby pin apart, I stared to jam it around in the lock a few times.

Why the hell did I think this would work.

I sat there for about half an hour trying to jam a bobby pin into a door lock and you can only guess what happened. I broke the bobby pin in half. Bobby pins are basically indestructible?!

Groaning in defeat, I slumped to the ground but not before noticing the slight crack in the laminated floor that I hadn't noticed before.

I picked the tile off, not easily, and it genuinely felt like I'd hit jackpot when I saw the box inside the hole.

Filled with glee, I pulled the box out from the hole and reached for the opening. I felt like a little kid who just saw her opportunity to open her presents on Christmas Day.

Pulling open the box, I felt blood rush to my head as I saw a gun.

But it wasn't just any gun.

It was the gun I had threatened Derek's life with.

It was the gun that led to my mothers demise.


A/n: ily all and I hope you had a splendid Christmas, tho I literally could not feel less Christmassy even if I tried 🤣

Please drop me a comment and a vote if you think the chapter deserved it <3

See you later!


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