Chapter 26

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Anger radiated through Jack as he rushed into the room

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Anger radiated through Jack as he rushed into the room.

He stormed right towards me and slapped me right across the face.

"How the hell did you manage to contact the outside?"

"You honestly never cease to surprise me with your sheer stupidity." I replied with dry humour.

How did he think I was going to manage anybody, especially whilst being tied up in their basement.

That's when it struck, it has to have been Jacob. He has perfect access to the outside.

Damn, Jack really needed to check where his loyalties lie.

I glanced over at Derek and I wasn't surprised to see confusion in his eyes.

I sent him a look telling him that everything was going to be ok because it was going to be ok.

It has to be ok.

"Tanner, get back in here and take Derek out."

I heard a light grunt from Derek after Tanner had ran in and tightened Derek's restraints.

I could clearly see how, even though Derek didn't seem afraid of what was happening, he seemed almost betrayed and he seemed to look at Tanner with disgust.

A familiar disgust that I, too, was once acquainted with.

After Tanner tightened the restraints, Derek started to struggle.

"You're not making this any easier." Tanner said in barely a whisper. "You need to trust me."

I watched as Jack seemed to be completely oblivious to what was going on.

"Trusting you, traitor, is the last thing I'll be doing anytime soon.

After rolling his eyes, Tanner mumbled something along the lines of 'suit yourself' before whipping out a white cloth like thing and placing it against Derek's scowling mouth, before he fell limp.

With his fight forced out of him, Derek was now unrestrained and flung over Tanner's shoulder.

With how strong he was, he could have probably easily overpowered me, so what was he playing at, letting me knock him out before?

Soon after Derek left, Jacob walked in with all his glory.

What the frick?

His little smirk only made me mad.

"Oh, was she the reason for the noise outside?" Jacob asked with so much fake innocence that I was ready to slap the mask right off his face.

What was he planning?

"Don't ask questions you don't need the answers to." Jack replied, grimacing at the fact that now, he had to find a new safehouse.

"I'll take her." Jacob said before pulling a sack over my head.

Of course, the last thing I had to see was the hidden grin that was playing on his lips.

A small yelp left my mouth as I felt my restraints loosen as I was hoisted up into Jacob's chest.

I could feel his warm breath through the sack as he whispered to me, just quite enough for me to hear.

"Get used to this, Maya."

"What, me getting kidnapped?"

"No, meathead. I meant, me holding you in my arms."

"Make it clearer next time." I said while rolling my eyes, even if he wouldn't have been able to see that.

"Shut up, you're going to blow it."

"Fine, d^ckhead." I said in a whisper so quiet that only someone in a 1cm radius would have heard me.

"Sorry what?" he asked as I snorted.

Serves you right for trying to shut me up.

"Whatever, just don't make any noise, don't say anything, don't object to anything because I have a plan."

"What's the plan."

"You honestly do not listen to a single thing I tell you do you."

"What. Is. The. Plan?" I asked again, trying to seem stern with the little noise  I could actually use.

So, for the next five minutes or so, Jacob showed me through his oh-so elaborate plan.

By elaborate, I mean that there was such little structure that it's scaffolding may as well have been made with toilet paper.

"You better have thought this through or I swear to..."

But before I could finish what I saying, I felt myself get roughly shoved into what seemed to be the backseat of a car.

"Shut up, b!tch." Jacob shouted as I tried to move closer to the other side of the car.

"Sorry about that babe." He said again, sweetness lacing his words as he clicked my seatbelt in place.  "Wouldn't want your pretty face to get damaged of there was a crash."

I felt my heart warm as he called me pretty.

Oh, come on Maya, you've been called that so, so many times already, why is it only affecting you now?

Because the last time someone actually said it and meant it, it was Derek's mouth that it left.

He thought of me as nothing more other than a friend, of course.

After clicking my belt down, I felt Jacob's warmth radiating from next to me.

Slowly placing his hand over the top of mine, I felt how his hands fit perfectly over mine, hugging my small hands with his much bigger ones.

I felt the way a vein popped out from the rest of his skin, the way his hands seemed rougher in certain places and how the back of his hand felt softer.

It was comforting, you know? Having someone that knew what they were doing on your side.

Because as soon as the car started, I no longer felt afraid, but confident in Jacob instead.

He had plenty of chances to f^ck me over now but not once had he proven himself to be the bad guy.

So, as he circled my palm with his thumb, I felt the sparks of electricity that seemed to dance between our skin and how I felt my body course with warmth.

The warmth of hope.


a/n:  I was just looking through throwback songs and so this chapter is just a result of my plan+ a banging playlist, can't lie.

Maycob are starting strong, where the hell's my Mayrek shippers at???!

From my plan so far, this should be building up slowly to the peak of the book, this is relatively early still though, still room for ~ a lot ~ between our protags ;)

Like always, it takes time to make a chapter so I wouldn't mind if you took a half a second to hit that star and leave me some support, thank you!!!!

Other than that, hope you have a good night, lovelies <3


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