Chapter 8

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Hoping that this was a horrible dream and not reality, I close my eyes and wait a few seconds before opening them, hoping that it was just a bloody nightmare. But however many times I closed and re-opened my eyes, the message still sat there, mocking my terrified body, tormenting my eyes with the gruesome image but worst of all, Ocean's lifeless state which had me tearing my mind apart.

A spine-chilling cry left my lips, not halting until many nurses ran in, all frantic and worried as my troubled body carried on racking in cries and sobs. I could feel my heart contract so hard, waves of guilt and despair washing over me like I was stuck in a rift in the middle of the ocean.  She was dead, and this time, I had no one to blame but myself. Silver had struck again, but this time it was all my fault. I should have given myself over to Silver but instead, I let Derek save me. I should have just gave myself over straight away, but my over-calculations lead to another death.


He would go after Derek next.

I wouldn't let my stupidity risk his life, not after he risked it by trying to save me. I couldn't. Watching the nurses running round me like moths to a light, I saw Angelina standing there, watching me with curiosity and knowing in her eyes, yet once our eyes met, she masked it with worry and put her trusting smile back on her face.

"Maya, are you ok? What just happened? Are you ok?" She questioned, worry dripping down her voice, yet I couldn't shake the look she had given me before she masked it with the kindness.

I felt my guard slowly work it's way back up as I answered with a 'yes'.

Once the nurses had cleared, Angelina let me know that the doctor had given me the go and I wouldn't be able to go home after that episode and that I could be let out after they've checked me over again later.

I didn't plan on sticking around that long.

After five minutes, I carefully took out the canula and pulled the stickers off my chest which connected to the heart monitor. Only now was I noticing that my clothes were worn out and dirty, an unpleasant smell penetrating my nose after I stood up. I couldn't do anything whilst smelling like a pungent dumpster truck, so I decided I would go home before I did anything else.

I walked out of my room, holding my head low, making sure no one noticed me. I knew that no one would notice me but being safe never killed anyone.

The hospital was only a half hour walk from my current house but even so, I felt my muscles ache from the lack of movement over that last day. I cursed myself for becoming so stiff before reminding myself that it wasn't my fault that I was doing this, but it was Silvers fault for coming after me in the first place.

Walking up onto the porch, I took out the key that was behind a loose brick and opened the door, the smell of warm cinnamon blessing my nostrils as I went upstairs. I got a backpack and filled it with everything I would be needing: clothes, water, a torch, food, a small knife, a lighter  and a rope.

Just when I was about to leave the house, a picture of me, dad and mum with Connor and Ocean in the background stared at me. Swelling up, my heart broke as I noted that over half the people in that picture were now dead. Tears fell from my eyes onto the ground as I remembered the day in the picture. We were all at a picnic to celebrate how I had been elected as my class captain. It was a day filled with such happiness and content, yet it was cut short when Connor had fallen over and sprained his ankle. After he had healed, we would always joke about how he had the foot of an old man with arthritis.

Where was Connor?

A sudden determination took a hold of my whole body as I took out my phone and opened my messages to Silver, my fingers typing like they had a mind of their own, and less that thirty seconds later, I had sent the text.

"Meet me at the Torturehouse. Bring a car and be ready because this time, I will fight, and I won't let you win."

Satisfied with myself, a felt an unfamiliar feeling of revenge pull me forward and I knew that this revenge was what would lead me to make more of these grave mistakes. Little did I know that challenging Silver like this would only throw me into further turmoil.


A/N: Here's the quick chapter I promised all of you ;)

Looks like Maya has finally grown her balls and challenged Silver, but who knows if that was the best decision she could have made.

What do you think is going to be Silvers reaction to all of this?

If you think this chapter deserved it, please leave it a vote and a comment.

See you later ;)

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