Chapter 33

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First things I woke up to were hushed voices

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First things I woke up to were hushed voices.

Hushed voices which were clearly shouting at each other.

I opened my eyes ever so slightly and looked around the room. Sitting in little chairs were Derek and Connor. Jacob and Zara were nowhere to be seen.

The other two still hadn't noticed the fact that I had finally stirred. 

I looked up and down the deep blue walls, trying to find a clock somewhere, I'd probably been out a long time.

It was only 10, had I only been out for 4 hours?

I remembered the pain that came from my shoulders and looked down, just to see them wrapped in white cloth. 

Someone had changed me from my old tank top to a now pretty loose fitting beige top, which smelled lightly of a smell I was very familiar of...

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice how the room had suddenly become deathly silent as the two boys trained their eyes on me.

I looked, wide eyed between the two boys and quickly tried to turn myself around to get away from their glares but as soon as I tried to move onto left side, I cried out in pain as my shoulder decided to put me in more agony.

Derek was by my side in less than a second.

"Trust you to forget about your bad shoulder a few seconds after you hurt it. Are you ok?" Derek said, sarcasm seeping through the first half of what he said.

"I'm fine, don't worry, but where's Jacob?"

Derek's face went dark.

"He promised to never hurt you, then he stabbed you and the first thing you can ask me is where he is?" He exclaimed. "I can't believe you."

"It wasn't his fault, I jumped infront of him so he wouldn't hurt you!"

"I could have f^cking taken it, why did you do it?"

"Don't you get it? I didn't want him to hurt you!" I cried, trying to get it in his thick skull that in the end, I didn't want him to be in the hospital instead of me.

Derek's eyes were starting to rise in anger and seeing this, Connor came and placed his hand on Derek's shoulder and whispered something in his ear. Nodding, Derek just turned his back to me and started for the door.

"Fine, do whatever you want, Jacob's in the next room." He said as he left the room.

Great, now Derek was mad at me for trying to save him, what a prick.

"Why's Jacob not here?" I asked, just realizing that it was pretty weird that Jacob wasn't here, especially after thinking that he stabbed me.

"I think it's better if you see it yourself." Connor said with a smirk, knowing that I had no patience to find out myself.

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