Chapter 7

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The constant beeping was doing my head in but when I tried to raise my right arm, a searing burn ripped through my entire body

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The constant beeping was doing my head in but when I tried to raise my right arm, a searing burn ripped through my entire body. It was as if I had been thrown into the hottest of hellfire. I felt myself let out a loud gasp accompanying a small whimper as small remnants of what happened just flooded my mind.

Holding that gun again, Derek gave me a heart attack, a feeling of familiarity flooding me as I linked it back to the day that Derek nearly tried to kill himself. I remember how every night after that happened for weeks, I'd cry myself to sleep, knowing that I had hurt my best friend, knowing that I screwed him over.

I looked around, trying to see if Derek had decided to stay but my heart sunk a little as I saw that there was no sign of Derek, as if he had disappeared into thin air again.

I failed to notice the hooded figure that sat in the corner of the room, studying my every move; I could feel my heartbeat jumping at two times the rate it should be, my heart monitor beeping faster and faster after every passing second. I wanted to call the nurse but a morbid curiosity stopped me, a film of dark interest covering my soul as I felt myself being lured in by the mysterious figure that sat in the chair. His eyes held no emotion other than a glint if curiosity, almost looking at me as if I was just an experiment in a scientists lab.

Raising his hood slightly, I stared into a pair of the most stunning blue-grey eyes I had ever seen and I felt myself being sucked into a different dimension, one where there were only the two of us. It felt completely unnatural that it felt so normal to be staring into his eyes like this, like we were friends that went way back.
Just when I was about to question his identity, a knock came from the door, forcing me to avert my eyes from his beautiful blues and to the door.

"Who is it?"

"Miss Cordero, the police are here to talk to you. Is now a good time for us to join you?"

I looked in the direction of the chair once more, but there was no traces of the imposter who was in my room mere seconds ago, leaving my head in utter perplexion as I tried to figure out where he could have possibly gone.

"Yes they can come in." I answered, sure that I wouldn't need to worry about the imposter while Interpol was here.

Greene walked in, accompanied with two other standard police officers. Yet I couldn't shake the feeling that Greene wasn't who he said he was, the hairs on my neck raising again slightly as I tried to concentrate on his movements, trying to figure out what he was hiding.

What he was really doing here.

"Maya, I'm sorry that our next meet is in such a dire situation, but I hope you understand that we are trying to understand your predicament a little better."

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