Chapter 28

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"Jacob!" I exclaimed but he only sent me a look

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"Jacob!" I exclaimed but he only sent me a look.

"They can hear what's going on in here." He half mouthed, half whispered to me.

Rolling my eyes, I realized this dimwit was going to blow the whole thing.

A sexy dimwit.

Nope, no, no thank you, not having it.

"Just get on with it then."

He walked closer before raising his face.

"Sorry, babe." He said as he wrapped his other arm around my waist, reaching around my back to loosen the restraints.

Of course he had to choose the side that was most easily seen by Derek.

He seemed to be seething and I watched as Zara only seemed to smirk at this.

"Get your hands of her, dirty bastard."

"Aha, Derek, you see, this dirty bastard you so call is the one that's going to be the key to your escape so I'd shut your mouth if I were you." Jacob said, throwing an innocent smile his way.

Derek just scowled as he carried on glaring holes into Jacob's back.

With his arm still around my waist, loosening the restraints, he apologized again as he drew his fist back in an attempt to make it look like he was going to punch me but when his fist actually connected with my face, it was more of a light caress that an actual punch but to anyone watching, it must have looked like Jacob knocked the light out of me.

"You don't know who's watching." He said, the double meaning turned towards Derek extremely clear.

I felt my wrists celebrate as my blood circulation actually got through my hands and arms. A few more hours and I was sure that my arms would have just fallen off as a whole.

"You know what to do now. I'm going to deal with Jack, get them out of their restraints and then wait for me, ok?"

"Ok, be back soon though, don't want you dying on me." But after I had said that, he only looked at me seriously, before walking out, nodding at Isten in the process. "Oh, bring me some paper and a pen aswell." I screamed just before he closed the door.

"Oh my god, Derek was so, so jealous." Zara squealed, her little eyes squinting slightly in the process.

"What, no I wasn't, don't chat sh;t."

"Not chatting shit if it's true, am I?"

"Zara, say that one more time and I will jump out my restraints and strangle you."

"Alright, Mr Jealous, I want to see you try."

Derek growled before trying to jump up, nearly falling on his face in the process.

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