Chapter 24

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I ran up to Derek and to my surprise, no one stopped me

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I ran up to Derek and to my surprise, no one stopped me. Dropping down to my knees, I cradled his face in my hands. I ran my hands through is hair and noticed it seemed wet. I slowly took my hand away from his head and the fresh blood that now covered my fingers made my chest tighten.

He didn't deserve any of this to happen to him, and at that reality, I felt my blood  boiling over until my mind was foggy and the only thing that was clear was the fact that I had to get Derek, myself and Jacob out of here.

I stood up and took a look around the room. The only people I could see were Jack, Isten and the man that was guarding the door to begin with. The man I didn't know seemed pretty scrawny and didn't look like he'd really know how to fight so he was the first person I'd targetted.

I ran at him, a heat travelling down my body as I got nearer and nearer.

Even after the first blow to his head, the anger in me failed to calm down so instead of slowing down, I sent a quick flurry of punches down on his nose.

Stepping back quickly, I felt satisfied as he went to touch his now bleeding nose and I didn't miss the way his eyes gleamed with anger and a slight trace of fear.

Closing in on him again, I raised my fist but before it made contact with his face, he pushed my arm away in a block and tried to throw a punch of his own.

The predictable move had me almost at laughter as I grabbed his fist and twisted it infront of me, rewarding me with a scream from the man himself, before I ducked and flung him over me. Something must have broken or at least fractured because as soon as he made contact with the ground, he stopped moving but the loud crack that came from him still resounded around the room.

Looking around again, I noticed Derek once again but this time, there was a degree of pride in his eyes as he looked over at me. I smiled at him in return.

Turning my head, I contorted my face into a scowl and ran towards Jack but before I could reach him, Isten jumped out infront of him.

"Little girl, careful what you do now." Isten warned.

"Get out of my way, Isten." I said through gritted teeth. The only thing I could place my focus on now was the smug smirk that lay across Jack's face as he watched me get to him.

I decided that I was going to knock that smirk right off his face.

Ducking under Isten's arm, I charged towards Jack and gave him an uppercut to his face. The pain in his face as my fist made impact still, however, didn't contain my bloodlust but before I could really give him what he deserved, I felt someone pull me back.

Once again, Isten warned me  "Girl, I'm giving you your last warning. After this, there's nothing I can do to help you."

"Just take her down, Isten!" Jack roared from infront of my and I couldn't help but smirk at the bruise that was already starting to form on Jack's face.

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