C H A P T E R 2

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                                 5:45 am
Great, first day of school, I'm not excited at all.
I sit on my bed and contemplate weather or not I should just quit school and sleep all day.

I get dress, fix my hair, grab my bag and skateboard and skate to Sadie's house.

                                7:50 am
I get to Sadie's house, she opens the door and let's me in.

Every morning I skate to Sadie's and have breakfast with her family since my mom gets off of work at 7:00 am.

"Who wants vegan pancakes?!" Sadie's mom says as she puts 3 pancakes on our plates. "Thank you mrs.sink," I say.

"Are you girls ready for high school?" Sadie's mom says.
"Yes I'm so excited, I haven't seen Caleb all summer, I miss him so much" Sadie says with a huge smile on her face.

"What about you y/n?"

"Nope." I say before stuffing my face with pancakes.
"Why not?" Sadie's mom says,
"Well other than Sadie and her boyfriend, I hate everyone there. They are loud, annoying, obnoxious, and care only about social media." I say.

"Oh um okay?" She says.

After breakfast, we grab our things and walk to school.

"What if you find the love of your life today?" Sadie said.

I laughed, "yeah right, all boys want is to get in girls pants, and break their hearts" I look down and start kicking a rock that I see on the sidewalk.

"But remember what you said, 'you can't break someone's heart if they don't have one'"

We started laughing,

"Oh Sadie, what would I do without you" I say as I put my arm on her shoulder.

After walking for 10 minutes, we get to school, and go inside to grab our schedules.


Me and Sadie look at each other, our mouths were wide open,

"WE ONLY HAVE LUNCH TOGETHER?!" We say at the same time.


"This is not good this is not good this is NOT GOOD" she says still freaking out.

"It's okay, we will figure this out" I say, "we always do."

I give Sadie a hug and go to first period, which was math.

I walk in and there was a seating chart on the board, I look to see where I'm sitting. "Oh thank god I'm at the back" I whispered to myself.

I go to sit down and see a boy with curly brown hair walk in the room. He looks at the board and sits right next to me.

"Hi I'm jack" he says

"I'm y/n"

He shakes my hand and looks at my skateboard, "woah you skate?!" He says.

"Yup, ever since I was 10" I say.

"That's so cool, I skate too" he says with excitement, "I've been skating for about 2 years".

"Oh cool" I say.

I mean he's kind of cute.

(Time skip)
Finally, it was time for lunch, I walk into the cafeteria, get my food and go sit with Sadie and Caleb.

"Hey y/n!" Caleb says while standing up to give me a hug, "hey Caleb!"

I look over at the entrance of the cafeteria, and see jack. He goes and sits with a bunch of boys that I've never seen before.

My best friend Sadie| sadie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now