C H A P T E R 47

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Sadie and I have been living together for 3 years now, and life has been amazing. We found a small studio apartment when we first got here and I let Sadie decorate it however she wanted to.

She put lots of plants and paintings everywhere, along with the prettiest furniture I've ever seen.

While I've been working at a coffee shop near our apartment, Sadie works at a cute musical restaurant where the waiters sing all day.

She's their most talented waitress at that restaurant and I'm not just saying that because she's my girlfriend, but everyone loves her.

Her voice is super angelic and she can reach high pitches, she's very energetic, a great waitress, and so beautiful so that's a big plus.

Her parents helped her get an agent two months ago, last week he got her an audition for broadway, and tonight we will find out if she got in.

I've been saving all my tips for the past 6 months so I can afford the ring that she deserves, and tonight I am going to propose.

A few weeks ago, I video called her parents for approval. They both agreed and cried for almost an hour.

While being here in New York we made friends with a couple that lives across from us.

While being here in New York we made friends with a couple that lives across from us

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Gia and Michael, moved to New York a year before we did. Started off as roommates and now engaged.

We Invited them over tonight while we wait for Sadies phone call. Besides Sadie, they are my favorite people in the world.

It's been hard to keep in contact with all of our friends in California. I talk to Wyatt and my parents everyday and I'll ask Wyatt about everyone but I haven't talked to them in awhile.

I got off work at 4:30 and walked home, but before I got there I stopped at the bakery near our apartment to pick up some vegan cupcakes.

Once I unlocked the door, Gia and Michael were already in the apartment watching tv.

"I told you guys to tell me when you are coming in while I'm not home!" I said, putting my keys on the hook and the cupcakes on the coffee table.

"Ooo cupcakes!" Michael says reaching for one.

I smack his hand and grab the box.

"This is for tonight!" I say.

"So what time does Sadie get off?" Gia asks.

"Around 5:00 and they will call her around 8:00 but please don't make a huge deal about it tonight because she is very nervous."

They both agree and go back to watching tv.

Once Sadie got home, we poured glasses of wine and sat at the dining table and start rambling about random topics.

"5 times! Twice when we were sophomores, twice when we were juniors, and one when we were seniors!" Sadie says to Michael.

"I got arrested for two of them." I say while taking another sip of wine.

"Wait why? Did you just get bored and went around town breaking people's noses?" Gia asks.

"No the first one was because this guy slapped my ass, the second was because this girl was talking shit, the third was because the same girl drugged us at a party, forth was because another girl was talking shit to Sadie and I, and the last one was because this girl called Sadie a bitch." I say.

"Damn, la people are crazy." Michael says.

"No, just her, The rest of us are pretty chill."

"Don't act all innocent. She got in a fight with my both of my ex's."

"I never fought Finn!"

"Yes you did, remember when we found out that he was cheating on me and you pushed him on the ground?"

"Wow, I completely forgot about that."

Minutes passed by and Sadies phone started ringing. We all stopped what we were doing and looked at her phone.

She slowly picks it up from the table and answers it.

"Hello? No, just waiting for you to tell me if I got in... oh god, give me the bad news first... seriously? Okay... so what's the good news? Uh huh, wait seriously!? You're lying! No way! Oh my god! This is insane! You are the best agent ever! Oh my god I can't wait!" She hangs up the phone and looks at us.

"Well... I didn't get into broadway..." she says.

"Oh my god baby I'm so sorry." I said touching her hand.

"Yup. But the reason was because... I got a lead roll in a movie!"

We all jumped out of our seats and screamed. We all hugged Sadie and oddly hugged each other.

"What's the movie about?" Michael asks.

"A girl that lives in New York and deals with depression and anxiety, I'm going to be playing her older sister!"

"Wow that's amazing!"Gia says.

"Baby I'm so proud of you! My fiancé is going to be a movie star!" I say, jumping up and down with Sadie.

"Wait wait, fiancé?" She questions.

I pull the small white box out from my coat that was on the couch, got on one knee and opened the box.

"You have been my best friend for 15 years, and I knew from the second when we came out to each other, that I was going to propose to you. So Sadie sink, will you marry me?"

"Yes! Oh my fucking god yes!"

I stood up and put the small silver ring on her finger. She grabs my face and pulls me into a kiss.

Gia and Michael clapped and cheered for us.

"I love you so fucking much!" She says.

"I love you more."

Some of this was inspired by my trip to New York last month. Also reminder, these next few chapters will be huge time skips. Anyways stay inside, drink water, take care of yourself and I love y'all ❤️

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