C H A P T E R 36

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I turn around to see Sadie standing at one of the tables in the middle of the yard. From a distance I can tell she's yelling at someone, I walk closer to the table and see Ryder stand up and slap her...

Sadie holds her cheek and pushes Ryder. She grabs Sadie's hair and starts beating her face with her fists. Sadie try's to pull away by pulling Ryder's hair and kicking her leg.

Ryder stepped a foot away while Sadie started throwing punches with both hands which made Ryder fall in to grass.

Sadie bent over and grabbed her hair while using the side of her palm to hit her face.

I run over there and pull Sadie off of Ryder. Sadie wipes the blood from her nose, as Lizzy helps Ryder up.

Sadie and I walk off to the bathroom to clean her up.

We walk in as sophia walks out.

"Oh my god Sadie are you okay!?" Sophia Asks.

"Yeah I just got into a fight with Ryder."

"Ryder? Isn't that your girlfriend y/n?"

"Well not anymore. We broke up last night."

"Oh that's terrible, we'll if you ever need anything, my locker is number 612." She says holding the door open for us.

We thanked her and walked inside.

I took a wet paper towel and started cleaning the blood and dirt off her face, admiring how perfect all of her freckles are, how they're placed perfectly on her cheeks and nose.

"So you two broke up?" She says sitting on the sink.

"Sadie what happened over there?" I asked.

She takes a deep breath and turns her face.

"I'm sorry y/n. Hearing you saying those three words really hurt me. I used to feel so special knowing I'm the only person you loved. I walked by their table and I tried my hardest to keep walking and not say anything, but I couldn't. I told her how she doesn't deserve you and her just sitting there acting like she didn't just lose the most wonderful girl in the world is so fucked up, and then she told me to mind my business, which I should have done in the first place, but I couldn't help myself. So then I told her she's a shitty person and then she stood up and slapped me and-"

I leaned in and kissed her bloody lips.

She was shocked at first and then wrapped her arms around my neck, as mine wrapped around her waist.

We both pull back at the same time and look at each other.

"Sadie, just because I started loving another, doesn't mean I stopped loving you. You are, and will always be my number one."

Her eyes filled with tears, she grabs the top of my jacket and pulls me in for a hug.

*time skip to after school*

I picked up Isla from school first as always, one of the teachers walked her to me as always.

"Hi, do you mind coming into the principals office to talk about Islas behavior?" The teacher asked.

I nod and we all walk inside the building. I sat down next to Isla at the principals desk. The principal greeted us and placed a few sheets of papers in front of me.

"Now I'm not sure what's going on at home, but miss Isla's grades have went from A's to D's and F's and also her behavior... yesterday during lunch, a student accidentally pushed her, so she took her mashed potatoes and threw it at him. On Tuesday, the her teacher asked Isla a question, and her response was 'who gives a shit.' I don't know what's going on with her but could you please talk to your mother about this? The school has been trying to contact her for months but she hasn't been answering us."

"Yeah that's because she's um, on a trip." I say, winking at the principal.

She stares at Isla and I in confusion.

"Look I don't mean to sound rude but I need to go get my other sister so the daycare doesn't charge me with a late fee."

"Okay well before you go, can I get your number so we can talk about this later?" The principal asked.

I nod and write my name and phone number on a yellow sticky note.

We walk out of the school building, Normally Isla tells me about her day or asks me about mine, but today she was quiet.

"So do you want to tell me why you're acting up during school?" I asked.

"I don't know." She says back.

"Isla that's not an answer, why are you acting up?"

"I. Don't. Know."

"Okay well when we get home I want to to write a paper, apologizing to your teacher."



"I'm not gonna write it!"

"Too bad. You are way too young to be talking that way to an adult!"

"I hate you." She mumbled.

I ignored it since we were almost at the daycare.

We picked Scarlett up and were on our way home. Isla stayed quiet the entire walk home.

We got to the house and there was a paper stuck to the door. I walk over to see it was an eviction notice.

I tried not to freak out because I didn't want to scare the girls. We walked in and I locked myself in my room.

I screamed into my pillow, threw stuff that wouldn't make a loud noise. I grabbed my phone to call Sadie.

"Hi y/n!" She says.

"So we're getting evicted!"

"What!? Are you serious? What are you going to do?"

"I don't know, probably get a hotel for a little bit until I can afford to get an apartment."

"No no, why don't you all stay with my for awhile instead?"

"Sadie your mom is not going to want two screaming kids in her house."

"Y/n please."

Before I could say anything, I hear a faint knock on the front door. I look out my window and see a woman standing there, shuffling through her purse.

"Hey let me call you back, there's someone here."


I hang up the phone and walk to the front door.

I open the door and was face to face with someone I wasn't expecting.


Sorry I'm late I was struggling with this chapter and then last week I got extremely sick.

My best friend Sadie| sadie x readerWhere stories live. Discover now