Tackle's first Christmas

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If you read my book "Back on Ice" Tackle's friends Vibe and Ferry appear in this oneshot also I changed Tackle's name(it use to be Danny)

Today's Christmas! And it was Tackle's first Christmas too! The young cub ran straight to the den, Diego and Shira were inside decorating. Diego was holding the wreath in his mouth so Shira can put it up but Tackle lost control of his speed and bumped into his dad, the wreath flew out of his mouth and landed onto Shira.

"Merry Christmas you guys!" He said as he hopped excited "Ok cool your jolly for now" he rubbed his son's furry head "Hey while your both at it why don't you mess up the den more?" The two looked up at a very irritated she saber...with a wreath on her neck, the two started laughing at this "What's so funny?" Shira tilted her head confused "Nice necklace Shira" Diego pointed it out while Tackle fell on the ground laughing.

Shira growled at the two but an idea popped out that made her smirk, she threw the wreath on her mate which blocked Diego's eyes "Hey look Tackle..." she walked towards him "Looks like your dad decided to wear something so he can be in the Christmas spirit" Diego moved the wreath up with his paw glaring at the former pirate. Tackle tried his hardest not to laugh so he decided to go outside "Hey cheer up sour grinch at least you look more...festive" Shira told him as she walked off with a triumph smile. Diego tossed the wreath on the wall as he huffed before following her.

Meanwhile, everyone was decorating the Christmas tree and this year Sid had come up with something that would make the tree better! Tackle came running in his tail wagged in excitement "Wow..." He whispered amazed by the decorations, he spotted Sid trying to hang an ornament high up with Julian helping him "Merry Christmas uncle Sid!" "Huh? Oh Merry Christmas my little bundles of joy!" "So when do we see that surprise?" "Just be patient until tonight and it will be worth it" Sid said unknowingly taking a step and falling.

"Tackle!" The young cub look up and saw his friend Ferry waving at him from the top of the tree "Ferry!" "Watch this! Now mom!" the ferret kit and his mom climbed down the tree with some strings holding berries. Below, Vibe was holding the string to help the ferrets until they got down.
Ferry and his mom high five the pup. Tackle approached his two friends whispering "Did you guys get it?" They showed him what they needed for tonight while Tackle smiled mishevously.

Meanwhile, Diego walked towards a clearing he pushed away some bushes smiling at the two presents he got for his mate and cub "Shira and Tackle are gonna love this" "Shira and Tackle are gonna love what Softie?" The saber jumped in surprise and turn to see his mate approaching "Shira! Um aren't you suppose to help with the decorations and you know..." Shira tried tilting her head to get a peek as she got closer with each step "I think Ellie needs help with the Christmas feast" he froze finding her nose to nose "Uh huh" she whispered playfully his green eyes staring at her blue ones. She licked his cheek surprising him "Relax I'm not the spoiler type like your sloth friend" Diego laughed quietly when she said that as she walked off, he was relief that she didn't catch a glimpse of the gifts...cause tonight it would be worth it.

Nightime had fallen, Sid quickly climbed up the tree going to put the star which would reveal his surprise but he realized "Hey wait a sec where's Tackle so he can put the star?" He called out waving the star, the cub was with his parents near the mammoths hiding behind Diego's leg "What's wrong?" "I'm scared everyone's looking at me" Tackle admitted pawing the snow, his ears perked at his name being called then it started as a chant "Tackle..." Diego called his son to get his attention, Diego smiled at him "they want you to put the star up on the tree, think of it as a Christmas gift from everyone"

Tackle thought about it 'Dad's right...maybe it is like a Christmas gift' he thought in his head smiling excited, Tackle ran straight to the tree as the others cheered that he finally came up. Manny grabbed the cub and lifted him up as Sid handed the cub the star almost slipping...good thing he caught on Manny's trunk. Tackle placed the star on the tree "Hey Tackle tap on the top of the star" Sid instructed and the cub noticed that there was some kind of bug, gently tapping it with his finger the bug was actually a glow worm as it glowed.

The tree and decorations started glowing illuminating the area getting oohs and aahs "Oh yeah nailed it baby" Sid said triumphly it turned out all the decorations were covered in glow worms. "You guys didn't have to have me put up the star" Tackle told them as Manny put him down "actually your dad asked to" "really?" "He wanted to make your first Christmas the best one" Manny told him as Tackle had a huge smile "Merry Christmas Tackle!" Everyone said as the cub ran straight to his parents hugging them.

Throughout the party, the Herd started exchanging presents to eachother "There! Now you look perfect" Peaches complimented as she gave Tackle her gift, a purple flower bow tie. Tackle hugged his cousin a as his mom approached him "Wow that looks nice on you sweetie" she nuzzled his nose with hers "Hey where's dad?" "Right here with your presents" Diego came with two presents as the two sabers approached curious.

"Here you go Tackle. Merry Christmas" Diego nudged the box to his son as the cub opened it he gasped excited it was a toy ball made of brambles "thanks dad" he bounced and threw the ball up. "And for you Kitty" Shira rolled her eyes at him still using that name but she gasped at what he got her...a crystal. "Diego..." He nudged it to her as she ran her paw on it "It's beautiful...but you didn't have to..." "anything that shines is perfect for my mate" he nuzzled his mate affectionly.

"Hey. I didn't get show you your Christmas present" Tackle pouted as his parents stared at him surprised but then laughed "Ok so what you got us" "It's up there" he pointed up but the couple gasped in surprise when they saw a mistletoe. Diego smiled playfully before turning to his son "Alright but you can't look" the cub covered his eyes with his paws.

Diego and Shira stared at eachother smiling before sharing a kiss, they broke apart staring until Diego caught Tackle...turns out he peeked a little. "Hey I said you can't look" Diego said in a fake angry voice as the cub laughed. He lifted his cub up in the air and Tackle landed on his back "Merry Christmas Tackle" he said as Tackle hugged him, Diego nuzzled his mate Shira before the three joined the party.

Merry Christmas everyone!

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