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A place where people meet for maybe or maybe not the first time, talk, to fall in love, wreck things, get drunk. A place for fun. Not a gathering, but a party.

My name is Pete, I'm 17, and currently taken. Unfortunately, I'm not here because I want to be. My friends, ChaAim and Pond wanted to meet someone new.

"C'mon Ai Pete." Pond and ChaAim swung their arms over my shoulder. "Just because Chompoo isn't here doesn't mean you have to be so pouty." Chompoo, my girlfriend. Honestly, she is head over heels in love with me, but the feeling isn't mutual. The only reason I said yes is because ChaAim is her best friend and I'm childhood friends with ChaAim.

"I don't care. I still don't want to be here." I sighed heavily. Pond walked away then came back with two cups. He handed one to me then clinked our cups and chugged his down. I've never tried drinking alcohol before, but there's a first for everything. I lifted the cup to my lips and let it slid down my throat.

It isn't so bad, I thought until the room started spinning. I slumped over to the tables of drinks looking for water. I picked up another cup and chugged it down. It's another beer. I sighed and walked back over to the couch sitting there by my lone self.

"Not a party person?" A guy walked up to me. He looked familiar but I couldn't tell anymore. I nodded and looked around. He handed me his drink, "want some?" I'm at the point where I don't care anymore and took the drink chugging the rest.

"You really don't like this party." He laughed. "C'mon. You're drunk. Lets get away from all the beer and go outside." He stood up and walked out the door, I followed.

I'm not sure what we talked about outside on the roof, but I remember one thing. In the midst of laughing about the stupidest things. He leaned in and kissed me. It isn't the way I planned and this is defiantly not what I'm used to.

A sin has been placed on my lips. His lips against mine, feels so wrong yet feels so right. Is this love? It's not what good boys do, but there's only one way to find out. He'll be my experimental game. He leaned over, slowly pushing me to the ground. His touch felt so magical, irresistible soft skin,  it's almost to good to deny it.

The next thing I knew, I laid in my bed with and ice pack on my head. The taste of his lips still lingered. I don't even know his name. Did he take me home?  Or did Money and Tin?

I kissed a boy, and I think I liked it. I hope my girlfriend wouldn't mind it.


a/n: I am so stoked to write this ff!!!


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