01 - The day after

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The day after, I walked into school yawning, then being attacked by Chompoo. Even in the morning she's lovey dovey.

"Pete" her voice sweetly rang in my ear. I yawned again and rubbed the dust out of my eye. Sometimes, I feel like I'm baby sitting her. We walked together to class like we normally do, holding hands and her only talking, with the exception of a few mumbled from myself.

I sat down in my desk and she sat down in the one in front of mine, her desk. ChaAim sat behind me and Pond right next to me. This seating arrangement it how we all became friends, except Chompoo and myself.

ChaAim and Pond came in together both yawning. Sometimes whenever I see them, I'd think their siblings. They both had brown hair, light skin, brown eyes and about the same height. Their personalities were similar too. ChaAim, a complete tomboy until she met Chompoo, whose girlishness rubbed off on her a little.

"Hey." ChaAim yawned again skidding into her chair. I looked at Pond and his face read, "still asleep" all over.

I heard Chompoo giggle from behind then a loud laughter from across the room. We all looked over and a group the so-called "Pops" of high school gathered on that side. Lucky for us, most of them were put in our class. All of the main pops, they are called the "click".

The only reason we are invited to those parties is because Chompoo used to be one of them. Her last boyfriend cheated on her with another pop, she left the group because everyone was fine with that. Group rule is: you can only date inside your group. It applies to most groups in our high school, including the nerds, geeks, us, and the pops who created the rule.

They, the pops, who rule the school, at this school, are those who rule all of the schools. The best high school in the city, our school. If you're one of them, you can go to any school, and the name of the click, follows you. It's like royalty.

The click includes of six people. Three girls and three guys. They followed the latest trend, supposedly host the best parties, break the beauty scale, and are well known throughout everyone. Those in the click are: Rachel the brunette bitchy beauty; Beth, Rachel's best friend since elementary and the bimbo, Aly, the girl who took Chompoo's place after she left, the smart one. Then there are the guys. Austin, the rock musician; David, the athletic jock and finally last but not least...

"Wait. Chompoo. Who's that again?" I pointed over at a boy with black skater hair. She sighed, "That's Ae." She mumbled. Right, Ae, the playboy of the group, Chompoo's ex who cheated her with Rachel. Now that Chompoo left, Rachel and Ae started officially dating. Although rumor has it, he has more than on lover, just they won't speak out against each other, fearing the power of the pops.

"Hey," ChaAim pointed out, we all looked at her but she didn't look at us. Her eyes glued to the click. "Why does Ae keep looking over here?"

I shrugged then Pond suggested, "Maybe," he looked over at Ae one more time then at the rest of us.

"Maybe he still likes you Chompoo."

Chompoo's eyes grew and she slowly clung onto the arm that was supporting my head.

When we all slightly leaned forward so we could see him, he quickly looked away. We all looked at each other and laughed. Secretly I knew, including myself, we all kept watching to see if he'd look over again. The bell rang and everyone spread out to their seat as the teacher walked in placing a giant pile papers.

"Alright class." the teacher announced in his deep husky voice. "Here's a project you will be working on about what the school should do to change for the better. You will be working on this with a partner. This half of the class," he looked at our side of the class, "please line up and choose your partners from this box." He held up a small black box with a hole just big enough for a hand to fit inside.

We all stood up and formed a line. My turn came around and slowly I put my hand inside. There were many pieces of folded paper, roughly all the same size and shape. I prayed to get a good partner as I pulled out a piece of paper. I went back to my desk to join the other so we could all open our papers together.

"Joey." Pond said smiling. "Erik." ChaAim laughed. "This is going to be an easy A." she laughed louder. We looked at Chompoo who stood there giggling quietly. I knew from the way she laughed she already opened who she got and is completely displeased.

Chompoo cleared her throat and opened her paper. "... Rachel." she tried forcing a smile. All of us got quiet. All of their attentions turned toward me and ChaAim nudged me smirking. I laughed as I opened the paper. My breath cut short and I looked up staring directly at him. "...Ae." I said underneath my breath.

We all walked over to our partners, ChaAim and I together, approaching the click. Ae stopped laughing and looked at us. 

"What?" He smirked. "I'm guessing you're my partner?" I sighed and threw the piece of paper with his name written on it. 

"At least you're not one of the fan girls. Today. My house. After school." He turned away and began talking to Rachel and the others who finished talking to their partners.

When school ended, I waited at the schools front gate for Ae. He came out with his arm around a girl who looked about a year younger. Earlier, I investigated him a little by asking around the school. He's rich, has straight A's and is a Prince Charming, literally, with looks and charisma. I'm not sure how he has straight A's when all he does is play around with girls.

"Ae." I called out to him.

He looked at me then pulled away from the girl. He motioned her to go away and then began walking telling me to follow him. He walked over to the black car and hopped in. I followed him, slowly getting in.

During the ride to his house, we stayed silent. We reached his house about twenty minutes later. It wasn't a huge mansion, but it's easy to say he's extremely wealthy. When we entered he threw his backpack to the ground casually then walked down the hall and into the kitchen. The house seemed surprisingly normal compared to the outside.

He grabbed an apple then headed up to his room, I followed him silently. In his room he plopped down on his bed and just stared at me. Out of awkwardness, I decided to sit in the middle of the floor.

Ae stared at me intensely as he bit into his apple. He didn't say anything and neither did I. I brushed through my backpack and pulled out the assignment.

"I think we should make a poster." 

He shrugged and walked over to his closet, pulled out a giant poster board.

We began working and listening ideas. Honestly, at first, the thought of him being my partner made me cringe. Also, the awkwardness between us in general, not just because we both dated Chompoo, but the fact of who he is. Surprisingly, knowing who he is, and his reputation and the rumors about him, I forget it all when we walk. The words come out easily and the hours passed by quickly.

"Hey." He put down his pencil and sat up. "You don't remember me do you?"

The look in his eyes changed drastically. Almost a cold glare darted out from his eyes. I shook my head, replying no.

"Then, I will give you a hint. The party."

He was at the party? After a few minutes of silence he spoke again.

"You're really dense."

In a quick second he placed his hand on the poster board, leaning towards me, grabbing my chin with his other hand and placing his lips on me.


a/n: Oh my poor heart... This author just died 👻...


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