13 - If I can't have you

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The next day, I arrived at school with Ae, taking his family's car. Having everyone watch us get out of the car felt embarrassing.

Ae grabbed my hand as if telling me to calm down. Knowing that I'm with him, and he's paying attention to my expressions and movements, calmed me instantly.

As we reached the classroom, Rachel walked up to us and pulled Ae away from me and over to their desks, which were right next to each other. I walked over to my desk and put my backpack on the ground. I stared over at Ae, who also stared at me with a smile.

"Morning." Pond came over and laid his head down on his desk.

"Hey." I said quietly, looking down at my desk for a few seconds before sitting down.

A tap hit my head and when I looked up, Ae held a thin notebook.

"I used the book as an excuse to come talk to you."

"Are you guys dating?" Pond butted in.

Ae smirked at him then pulled me close. "Yes. Yes we are."

My heart thumped when he said we were dating. I always knew we liked each other but we never specified if we were dating till now. Well, we did had a great sex, so I guess we are.

"What about the rule that a member of the Click can't be with a non member?" Pond asked sarcastically.

"That is not a problem. I will make him one." Ae fraught back.

The tension between the two of them grew stronger, until it felt suffocating.

ChaAim came over and pulled Ae and I apart then sat down after making Ae leave.

"Pond's right. The people who obey the high school way of the Click, won't allow it. And the other members won't either."

From across the room, Rachel let out a loud squeal. "What?!? Make HIM," she pointed over at me, "one of us?!?" Rachel laughed sarcastically then stopped and glared at Ae. "Then it will be uneven. With the ratios of guys to girls." Rachel said trying to sound convincing.

"Then make that whole group part of it. That way, it will be even." Ae offered.

Rachel left the room without answering, the other members following. Ae glanced over at me before rushing over to everyone else to continue convincing them.

ChaAim put her hand on my shoulder and with very honest eyes, "It's just not meant to be."

I knew what they were all doing. They do not want us to be together.

Later that night, as I walked out from school, before I knew it, everything went dark. My eyes have been covered with a dark cloth. Quickly pulling me backward, a person dragged me and pushed me in a car. It's not a gentle kidnapping that Ae would do. Who could it be? Who hates me enough to kidnap me?

When I opened my eyes, I found myself handcuffed behind my back and chained to a pipe in an abandoned warehouse.

"If I cannot have you, then no one will." A voice came from around the corner. The footsteps echoed as the person came near me.

It was Pond who came out from behind.

"Pond? Why are you doing this?" I yelled at him while trying to pull on the handcuff.

I stood up and grabbed him, for the chain came out about three feet. He smirked at me with a crazed look in his eyes.

"Simply because I love you." He smiled. His dark smile scared me. "I don't want to let you go."

I squirmed as he hugged me. With my hand at my back, I searched for my phone in my back pocket where it usually is.

"Looking for this?" Pond pulled my phone out of his pocket and showed it to me. My eyes grew big when I saw it in his possession. My phone is my only hope of getting out of this situation.

"You are not the Pond I know anymore." I mumbled to him.

He smirked and leaned in close to my face. "This wouldn't have happened to me if you just stayed with me. Ever since I knew you, I fell in love with you. I always acted nice so that you'd fall for me. But now that you've crushed my heart, I don't have to be nice anymore." Pond laughed.

My phone on his hand began to light up and a sweet ringtone began to play. Imminently, I knew it's a call from Ae.

"Hello?" Pond answered as he looked at me to make sure I was watching. Pond pulled the phone away from his ear and pressed the speaker button.

"Who is this?" Ae demanded angrily from the other end.

Pond chuckled. "It's Pond."

By the giant tone switch, it was easy to tell how pissed Ae became. "Why the hell do you have Pete's phone? Where are you?!?"

Pond laughed again as he looked at me. Slowly he walked over to me and squatted down so we were face to face.

"Pete's right in front of me. His face is quite adorable. By the way, we're in the warehouse by the riverbank." Pond said slowly into the phone before closing it, cutting Ae off.

"Don't touch me." I growled at him. "I don't want to be your friend. I want the other Pond."

After what felt to be hours later, a distant sound of a motorcycle filled the air. All of a sudden, someone came busting through the door and stopped a few feet away. The person pulled off his helmet and glared at Pond.

"Get away from him." Ae growled.

Quickly, Ae rushed over to Pond and punched him straight on his cheek. He fell on the ground and Ae began to hit him more. They began rolling around and it became hard to see with the tears in my eyes. I'm not sure who to choose. This all happened because of me.

"That enough!!!" ChaAim yelled at the door. "Pond what the hell are you doing? Someone told me that something suspicious is happening here." Her eyes looked around and when she finally saw me, her mouth fell to the ground.

"What the hell...?" She walked over and picked up another pair of handcuffs laying on the ground and set one on Ae's wrist and the other on Pond's, then chained it onto the pole.

"You all need to chill your heads. Work out your problems!" She growled at us as she slowly began to walk away. No way, she's just leaving us? All three of us here in this warehouse, handcuffed and tied to this pole? She's got to be kidding me...

To be continued...

"If I cannot have you, then no one will." ~Pond

Ongoing fanfics:
1. Sharing Forth [ForthBeam]
2. Facades [MingKit]
3. The New Kid [PhaYo]
4. I Kissed A Boy [AePete]
5. BL one shots and short stories [18+]

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