14 - Aftermath

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"What the... Pete, you've got some awfully weird ass friends." Ae said slowly crawling over to my left side. He sat next to me and rested his head on my shoulder, closing his eyes and breathing heavily.

Pond stayed at a distance with his back towards us.

"And as for you, you might be a friend of Pete's, but I don't want you near him. You understand?!?"

Ae grabbed my head with his free hand and held it close to his heart. I could feel it quickly beating. Was he really that scared when someone other than me answered my phone?

"I don't want to hear that from you." Pond snapped back at Ae. "You have no right to just break apart our friendship. You're just some bastard who thinks he can get whatever he wants!" he shouted without turning around at us.

Ae chuckled softly, slowly it grew louder until it sounded like it came out of a megaphone.

"I already have everything." Ae smirked.

Pond glanced back while staring down at him.

"I have money, popularity, everyone is on my side, and most of all, I have Pete." Ae continued. He turned my head toward him and gave me a deep kiss.

I pushed him away and looked down at the ground on the opposite side. I didn't like how he's using me just to kick Pond around, Pond is still my friend and Ae is now my lover.

"That's enough!" I shouted. "I'm tired of all of this! Both of you can hate each other as much as you want, but do not use me as a prize!"

I slightly created a space between Ae and I then turned my back to the both of them. The path that leads to the future is starting to get foggy.

"Pond, we are still friends. I can't just throw away out twelve years of friendship over one stupid incident. I've always hoped for the day where you can put aside the differences and slowly grow to like each other. This has kept me up for hours at night just worrying." I whispered.

"I'm truly sorry Pete." Pond stated as he brought his knees up to his chest. "I was really out of line to drag you here. I don't know what I was thinking. If you will call the police and hate me, I will understand of course." He mumbled into his knees.

Ae nudged me and nodded over at Pond. Slowly I scooted over to Pond and hugged him. Pond didn't say a word and just stayed still like a statue. I looked back at Ae, then mouthed to him to come closer.

Ae scooted forward, "Pond I am sorry I have hurt you in the past. But I really love Pete with all my heart. I will not let him go."

Pond didn't answer right away. I figured he was thinking deeply.

When he finally spoke, "I'm scared. That you're going to forget about me. It's so hard. Being stuck as just a friend. No way... I don't want that. I, about you... I've always... loved you." he paused, thinking what to say next. "I only want to see you smile. So, I'll take a chance at being nicer, and won't interfere anymore." Pond mumbled as he hugged his knees tighter.

"I'll never forget you even though I'm dating him." I simply answered. I want to be with them both, Pond as my friend, Ae as my lover. I want to share days with tears and laughter with them both.

The door creaked open and ChaAim came in with Chompoo slightly hiding behind her.

"It's about time you all made up! I'm glad you called Ae, telling me about Pond going overboard." ChaAim walked over and pinched Pond's cheeks as a grandmother would do to her grandchild. "You need to shape up and never do this again. Or else we will send you to Alcatraz for life." she growled.

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