18 - Just The Boy

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a/n: Thank y'all for all your patience in waiting for my update/s. Now let's continue...


"I think I saw him run this way!"

I heard girls shout from around the corner. The second I peaked around the corner, a boy, with the image of a fairy tale prince, in casual clothes, hustled down the hall and turned the corner, ramming directly into me, knocking me to the ground.

The boy toppled over me, leaving me no chance to squirm out from under him.

"What are you doing?" I raised my voice.

I heard footsteps on the carpeted floor rushing towards us.

"Get off!" I struggled from underneath.

"Shhh. Stay quiet!" He hushed me.

I squirmed some more, hoping I'd knock him off balance and he'd get off.

"Stop struggling. I'll be found!" He hushed me again.

I didn't care if he is going to be found or not.

All I want to do is to leave and go to sleep.

"Really, you'll get me in trouble. I'm not going to be found because of your stubbornness."

In one swift movement, to shut my mouth up, and temporarily freeze my movements, the boy kissed me deeply, to the point where I felt like I'm drowning.

I shoved him off as soon as the footsteps pounding on the ground faded. I wiped my lips and quickly left. In one single mishap, my happiest day, my sweetest dream come true turned into a nightmare caused by a sinful kiss.

I sprinted up to my room and slammed the door shut. The echo from the slammed door didn't over power the pounding in my chest. It blasted throughout my ears and my lips tingled. Softly, I ran my fingers over my lips then wiped them roughly again.

I dashed into the bathroom, stripped my clothes and hopped into the shower. Harshly I punched the shower wall as the warm water rained down on me and steam filled the room.

The next morning I woke up with a dead body and bed head. I pulled the sheets off my legs, got dressed then headed to class. On my way I grabbed a drink from the vending machine, flashing back to last nights incident. I sighed and left for class.

I sat down on an empty row, where I felt no one would bother me and buried my head in my arms as I rested on the long table. From behind me, I heard whispers and they grew louder then transformed into small giggles. I looked up and there, staring down at me with cold beastly eyes, stood the guy from last night.

"Can you move?" He mumbled.

The giggling stopped when he talked and the whole room felt as if it froze. Like everyone is scared to breathe. Slowly I pulled in my chair and let him pass by. I watched him walk down a few seats then pull out a chair, plopped down and threw his head on his desk in the sleeping position I was in earlier.

I sighed then whacked my head accidentally on the table. The teacher walked in and began to lecture about how we should behave and what he expects. The whole time, I kept secretly peaking over at the sleeping prince a few seats down, who the teacher completely disregarded.

Just who is he?

Break came around and the door slammed open, a little boy running in. His soft looking black hair flying back as he ran up the steps toward me. His pale skin perfectly even, his age? Hard to tell.

"Jeremy! Jeremy!" He yelled quickly turning and running over the sleeping prince.

"I found him! I found him!" His girlish voice squealed happily. "He's in my class and he'd fit perfectly. You've got to meet him! Plus he's my childhood friend!' He tugged on Jeremy's arm, trying to to get him to wake up.

Even from afar, they blazed off a radiance which felt blinding to look at. It's like the Click at a whole different level. He tugged again, then spotted me staring at the two of them. He stopped for a second and looked at me with a blank state.

Slowly he let go of Jeremy's arm and hesitantly walked over to me. When he stared into my eyes, I felt like I was looking at a girl, maybe a fairy. A goddess perhaps. His small immature girlish figure and face seemed to unreal for a guy.

"You." He said straightforward. "Wake him up for me." He pointed over at the still sleeping prince. I glanced at Jeremy then at the little boy. We stayed there in silence which lasted at least a good five seconds.

"No thanks." I sighed as I scooted my chair back and walked down the stairs and out the door.

Halfway down the hall I spotted Ae talking to a few guys.

"Ae." I called over to him. He waved at me telling me to come. Happily I skipped over to him. He introduced me to the two other guys, whose names I forgot immediately.

Ae put his arm around me and walked down the hall. "Bye!" He yelled back at them as they headed into their class.

"I missed you." He kissed my cheek. The bell rang and we parted once more. "Let's eat lunch together!" He shouted at me. I nodded and headed into my classroom, passing by the cute boy from before.

He glared at me, with cold eyes as he passed me. It felt even colder since we were about the same height and he could stare directly into my eyes. A silent moment of terror caused by a boy who looks too innocent to kill a butterfly.

When I sat down in my seat I heard a small groan down the row. I looked down at the only person. He rubbed the sleeping crust from his eyes as he yawned. I felt my body grow hotter the longer I stared at him.

Girls were right when they said a guy's face right after he wakes up is one of the sexiest thing in the world. (a/n: At least for this author lol) On top of it all, he's like a sleeping prince.

Class started, and he actually paid attention. It quickly ended and everyone was dismissed to lunch. I grabbed my stuff and just to my luck the same time I scooted my chair back, Jeremy was walking directly behind me.

Quickly we collided.

To be continued...

Ongoing fanfics:
1. Sharing Forth [ForthBeam]
2. Facades [MingKit]
3. The New Kid [PhaYo]
4. I Kissed A Boy [AePete]
5. My Boy Toy [TinCan]
6. BL one shots and short stories [18+]

 BL one shots and short stories [18+]

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