21 - Stalker

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The next thing I knew, Josh began tugging at my shirt, trying to forcefully take it off. "Stop." I hissed at him. He snickered then slowly put his fingers over his lips showing me that I need to be quiet. He silently glanced over at Jeremy then smirked at me.

In one tug, my shirt was pulled over my head and thrown to the ground. His hands hovered down my chest and to my pants. I knew there was no way in hell that I could push him off. "I can do that myself." I shouted bluntly at him the second he started unbuttoning my pants.

He laughed and quickly hopped off. He walked over to the window and covered his eyes, his back towards me. Quickly I changed, peaking over every once in a while to make sure he wasn't sexually harassing me with his perverted eyes.

Once I finished changing, Josh grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the room, slamming the door behind us. I'm sure Jeremy awoke from his slumber at that noise.

He quickly called a cab over and we hopped in. I tried asking him where we were going but he only smiled at me. Once we arrived, Annie, Alyssa, Drake and Peter, his friends and also now mine too, attacked us with hugs. In the middle of hugging I glanced up at the sign of the building. Bowling. We finished greeting and talking then headed inside. Quickly we divided up into teams. Drake, Josh and I, against Peter, Alyssa and Annie.

The game started. I was first to bowl. "Oh by the way. Pete, this is your first time bowling with us, huh?" Peter snickered at me before I took my swing. I paused and nodded at him. "The losing team, has a penalty. Just letting you know." He sneered. Josh's had came flying up from behind him and whacked his head then began laughing.

An hour or two later, the game ended, 289 to 341, my team lost. "Alright. What should your penalty be?" Peter, Annie and Alyssa snickered at my teammates and I.

"I got one for Drake." Alyssa sneered at Drake. His face dropped from healthy to pale white as Alyssa smiled at him while raising her eyebrows. "You've got to ask the girl of your dreams, Bethany, out for a night." Drake fell back into the seats and slouched down, his skin growing paler as time slipped by.

"Josh." Annie smiled deviously. "You've got to strip naked and run around the boys dorm." She laughed. "And," she added, "you've got to get someone to tape it." Josh smiled and leaned forward placing his elbows on his knees. He looked over at me and nodded then back at Annie. "Challenge accepted." He smirked.

Everyone looked over at me thinking what my penalty should be. We've only been hanging out for a small period of time so they don't know many things about me or my life. Annie and Alyssa nudged Peter, since it was his turn to assign the penalty. "Pete, you have to," he paused and stared at me intensely. "Stalk the Flower Club for a week."

My skin grew cold, and my hair began to slowly stand up. The club I wanted to forget. The people I wanted to avoid. And I thought my life wouldn't get any worse than being humiliated by Remy and pushing my only love farther away from me. I sighed heavily before saying, "Okay. I'll do it."

The next day after class finished, I felt my friends' eyes follow my path as I walked out the door. First I followed Jeremy. He seemed the easiest since I knew him the best, and he's the most well known. Actually, it gave me a chance to see what he does since he always comes back late.

First he walked off camp grounds. I slowly followed him, hiding behind the bushes, cars and trees. Quickly he hopped on a train and stood by a closed door, away from everyone else. Even in a slightly crowded place he stood out with an aura of glitz and shine around him. The aura of a wealthy prince-like figure.

After a few stops we arrived somewhere in the middle of the city. He walked off and down the street. Quickly he got washed away in the many city folk. I stood on my toes, hoping to see where he went. His aura helped me, his height an addition to keeping track from afar.

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